› Pentecost Offering Supports Youth

Offerings dedicated on Pentecost Sunday, June 5

› Pentecost Offering Supports Youth

Offerings dedicated on Pentecost Sunday, June 5


he Pentecost Offering is one of 4 special offerings managed by the Presbyterian Church USA. Each of these offerings addresses basic human needs through programs vetted and sustained by the capable work of the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) and provides for some of the funds (in this case 40%) to be used by the local congregation for work aligned with the stated purpose of the offering. We began the collection for this offering on Sunday May 22, the very Sunday when we ask God’s blessings on our graduating high school seniors, while sharing the following thoughts, borrowed from PMA:

Who was the first person to teach you about Jesus?
Who was the first person to show you how to honor God with your life?

When did these things happen? For many of us, they happened during our childhood. They happened at home, at Sunday School, at church, at camp, or, perhaps through mission trips or experiences of service.

Who was the first person to teach you about Jesus?
Who was the first person to show you how to honor God with your life?

When did these things happen? For many of us, they happened during our childhood. They happened at home, at Sunday School, at church, at camp, or, perhaps through mission trips or experiences of service.

During Pentecost, we celebrate that the Holy Spirit has opened the doors to faith in Jesus Christ.

Just as many of us were nurtured in faith during our youth, we give to support these ministries and offer ourselves in service to the faith formation of other youth and young adults. We join with the Spirit and the whole church, so that the generations to come will still proclaim God’s wondrous deeds. Won’t you join in your support? If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot. A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and to address the needs of at-risk youth and young adults.

To make a contribution:

  • Write a check made payable to Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, with “Pentecost Offering” on the memo line. This may either be mailed to the church or placed in a Pentecost Offering envelope (found in the pew pockets) on Sunday mornings.
  • For cash contributions, please also use the Pentecost Offering envelope.
  • Give through the “Vanco Mobile” App which you can download for free from the App Store or through Google Play. Once you have downloaded and installed to your device, open the app and search for “Swarthmore Presbyterian Church” to make a payment or offering. For more information about using the “Vanco Mobile” App, click here.
  • Give by going to SPC’s Online Donation Page, where you will find options for automating giving on a schedule of your choice.