New online service published every Sunday morning
Anniversary Sunday, November 22
Worship Bulletin
Welcome to online worship at SPC.
Please take a bulletin. Clicking on the “View the Church Bulletin” button will open the the church bulletin in a new window. Feel free to download and print out a copy if you wish to follow along.
Worship with SPC
It is a joy to worship with you on our 125th anniversary.
Click on “Watch Live Worship Service” on November 22 @1015 am to watch the morning’s service, live on Youtube. Click HERE to join using Zoom.
Children’s Message
Click on “Watch Godly Play Video” to access the YouTube recording of this morning’s message for children.
Make a Sunday Offering
SPC thanks all whose faithful giving even in this time of pandemic make the ministry of SPC possible. We recognize that many in our community are experiencing financial uncertainty in these days. We want you to know that our Session has instituted a temporary suspension on all non-essential expenditures to conserve where we can without compromising our essential ministries for you and the larger community we serve with our outreach partners. Please know that your plate offerings, pledge contributions, and gifts are needed more than ever and appreciated. Thank You for supporting SPC!
Offerings are welcomed in the following ways:
- Mail in a check made payable to Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, with “Sunday Offering” on the memo line
- Give through the Give+ Mobile App which you can download for free from the App Store or through Google Play. Once you have downloaded and installed to your device, open the app and search for “Swarthmore Presbyterian Church” to make a payment or offering. To view more information about setting up the Give+ Mobile App, click here.
- Give by going to SPC’s Online Donation Page, where you will find options for automating giving on a schedule of your choice.
Send Us Your Prayers
Our pastors are eager to hear your prayer concerns. Click on the “Send Us Your Prayers” button to email Rev. Sarah Cooper Searight. Click on this link to view the most recent congregation-wide intercessory prayer email: Praying for One Another
Please note the time and process: we gather this Lord’s Day via Zoom specifically so that we are able to see one another from the comfort and safety of our own homes. Worship will be live-streamed and thus also available also on YouTube. Links to both options will be published Friday, November 20.
› Anniversary Sunday: Our 125th!
Sunday November 22 / 10:15 am
Worship will be live-streamed and accessible via Zoom
he entire church family – and extended church family members who once worshipped here — are invited this morning to worship together. Revs. Joyce Shin, Sarah Cooper Searight and Alex Evangelista will all be present as worship leaders, active member Winnie Host will serve as guest preacher, and members of the Chancel Choir, Youth and Children’s Music Ministries, and the Handbell Choir will all make joyful noises to the Lord. Thanks be to God!
Fellowship at 11:15 am / via Zoom
Following worship this morning, we are all invited to stay on Zoom for a time of fellowship with one another. For most of the worship service, we will have been “muted” (seen but not heard) but afterwards there will be time to linger, first as a large group and then in smaller groups, meeting a few newcomers and saying good morning to some familiar churchgoers that perhaps you have not seen for a while.
On November 16, 1895, a committee appointed by the Presbytery of Chester met with twenty-four charter members and laid the groundwork for the congregation of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. This month, as we begin our 125th year, we remember those who have come before us, celebrate the love and commitment of all who comprise our church family today, and dream about where God might be leading us in the years to come. The theme, for the stewardship campaign that will sustain us financially in the coming year, for the elements of church history being highlighted throughout the year, and for the work ahead as we envision our future, is SPC: an Endeavor of the Spirit.
› Endeavor of the Spirit: Year End Notes From The SPC Business Office
he days between now and the end of the fiscal year are few in number. Please make every effort to get final payments on your 2020 pledge and per capita contributions to the business office by Thursday, December 31. All payments received by or postmarked by December 31 will be included on year end contribution statements.
Payment options:
- Mail a check payable to Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, with “2020 pledge” clearly indicated on the memo line (address in email footer).
- Use your online banking system to have an electronic check mailed to the church. Please allow a few days for this to be postmarked by December 31st.
- Pay online – either by credit card or direct debit, by going to SPC’s secure Online Donation Page.
Do you need to know what your outstanding balance is? Please reach out to Jean Noon at 610-543-4712 ext.120 or
Every pledge counts! Make yours today!
To make a pledge through the E-Giving* Online CLICK HERE
To make a pledge through the SPC Stewardship Pledge Form CLICK HERE
Make your pledge today!
E-Giving* Online CLICK HERE
Stewardship Pledge Form CLICK HERE
*To learn more about E-Giving, click here. For more information on how to pledge, please visit the Annual Giving & Pledging page or contact Jack Chapman in the Business Office.