Youth Ministry

There are a lot of youth ministries at SPC, not just youth group or Sunday school or worship. The idea is that our church is a place where all sorts of youth can be involved in all sorts of ways. We are all looking for community, the chance to serve, and to find meaning and faith. Here is a place and time set apart from the culture, craziness and busyness of life to spend time with each other and with God. We do this in all sorts of ways – through games and discussion, service and worship, play and eating together – and all sorts of ministries. SPC is a congregation where youth can belong and be loved for who they are, as well as serve and lead. And remember, friends are always welcome.

Sunday Morning Education

As our children become youth, it can be a challenge for them to remain engaged in church and continue their Christian faith formation. We recognize this, and try to help by offering opportunities that not only explore the mystery of God and a life of faith through scripture and prayer, but also allow for honest and heartfelt discussions.

  • Pre-Confirmation Class (6th–7th Graders)
    Meet at 9:00 am in the Youth Room
    Here, we reintroduce our middle schoolers to the men and women in the Bible, but in ways that treat middle schoolers as middle schoolers, and not younger kids. We give them the chance to engage for themselves with the Christian faith that has been passed down to them from our spiritual foremothers and forefathers.
  • Confirmation Class (8th–9th Graders
    Meet at 9:00 am in McCahan Hall
    This is the time when our 9th graders prepare to become full members of the church. Guided by adult table leaders, our confirmands are introduced to the big issues and topics—from who God is to what Spiritual gifts they have or what it means to be in mission. We begin with classes on Faith, Baptism, and Spiritual Autobiography and explore the depth and breadth of the Reformed tradition. In the spring, we go on retreat together, and each person writes her or his own individual statement of faith. All are welcome to take this journey with us, free of pressure to join the church at its conclusion.
  • High School
    We invite our older youth to join us in our adult education classes. While we have many events specifically for high school students, they are invited to participate in all activities of the church.

Youth Groups

Sundays, September through May
At SPC, our youth ministries strive to be communities where every young person belongs and feels welcome. They do not have to have certain grades, go to a certain school, look or dress a certain way, or hang out with a certain crowd. We want to be open to all people and to continue to learn how to be a community of followers of Jesus. Youth belong to our group because they walk through the door. Youth belong because they are themselves—and because they are loved by God.

Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6–8)
Meet at 4:30 pm (usually in McCahan Hall)
This weekly gathering is a wonderful mix of play and faith formation, service and Sabbath, worship and fun for both our middle schoolers and their advisors. Topics and activities vary from week to week, focusing on a larger theme. Come whenever you are able; our doors are always open. Friends are always welcome, even if they are not members of SPC. Each youth group meeting typically ends with dinner at 5:30 pm, provided by our generous parent volunteers.

High School Youth Group (Grades 9–12)
Meets for Special Events that will be announced
We know that high school is a busy time, and finding an hour or two once a week can be a challenge. But, we feel it is a challenge worth meeting to spend an evening with your peers, answering big questions, responding to the call for service, enjoying Sabbath rest, and, of course, playing. Our evening begins with dinner at 6:00 pm, provided by parent volunteers. As always, friends are welcome.

Advisors & Parents
We have a faithful team of advisors who are with us on Sunday evenings. We also depend on the leadership of parents and stepparents to provide dinners, to drive occasionally, and to serve as guest advisors at times.

Please contact if you have questions, would like to be involved as a parent, or want to sign up for our youth our weekly e-mail blast.

Youth Conferences & Mission Trips

Each summer, our middle schoolers and high schoolers participate in a variety of mission trips and youth conferences designed to foster Spiritual formation, develop Christian community, hone hearts for service, and generally live out our faith in the Triune God. Massanetta and Montreat provide opportunities for recreation, worship, and fellowship. The Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is a mission trip, where we travel to serve as well as enjoy the fellowship of neighbors in the places they call home. All of these help us to grow in faith and live into our calling from God.

Contact Us! We Would Love to Hear From You

Upcoming Events

February 23, 2025
  • February 23, 20255:30 pm - 8:30 pm

    Youth Group (with First Pres Springfield)

    Coordinated Youth Ministry: Wiffle Ball & Games   
    We will be heading to First Presbyterian Church Springfield, 356 Summit Road, Springfield, PA 19064. You can ride the bus from SPC or meet us there! When we arrive, we will meet at the back of the church in their Fellowship Hall. Lights will be on, and doors will be open!

March 2, 2025
  • March 2, 20254:15 pm - 6:00 pm

    Youth Group: Preparing for Lent (location?)

    Come help create our ashes for Ash Wednesday and explore what you are seeking to experience freedom from as we approach Easter.

March 9, 2025
  • March 9, 20254:30 pm - 6:00 pm

    Youth Group: Getting to Know Ourselves (Fellowship Hall/kitchen))

    We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Come explore who you are, and how to love and care for yourself like God does. We will also play and eat because those are important parts of us too!

March 16, 2025
  • March 16, 20254:30 pm - 6:00 pm

    Youth Group: Getting to Know Ourselves (Fellowship Hall/kitchen))

    We are fearfully and wonderfully made. In this second part of the “Getting to Know Ourselves” series, you will continue to explore who you are, and how to love and care for yourself like God does. We will also play and eat because those are important parts of us too!