Stitching Together: A Mask-Making Project
Proceeds from Stitching Together will support Swarthmore Presbyterian Church’s mission and outreach to our community partners.
Mask Orders Welcome!
As things begin to “open up” and the weather gets warmer, functional, washable masks are more important than ever. Our amazing “Stitching Together” seamstresses (there are 7 of them!) have already sewn and donated over 200 masks and are committed to making sure all SPCers and as well as our local Outreach partners have what they need in the weeks ahead. Suggested contribution: $10 per mask. We are filling orders and arranging for delivery/pick-up on a weekly basis. Proceeds from Stitching Together will support Swarthmore Presbyterian Church’s mission and outreach to our community partners.
Thank You, Dear Volunteers!
Songs of thanksgiving to the big-hearted and capable volunteers who each week literally stitch this ministry together: those who are sewing, those who have donated fabric and funds to purchase fabric, those willing to be on call to make deliveries, and our Outreach Committee, who so quickly coordinated our mask donations to Chester Eastside and Making a Change.
Help Welcome Any Time
If you would like to help in any of the ways noted above, please email Amy Connell (Director of Volunteer Ministries) and Sophia David (project manager) to let them know. Sophia and Amy will gladly share more details about our project and instructions on the mask-making process.
Amy Connell:
Sophia David: