› The King of Love My Shepherd Is: Choral Musings on Psalm 23
A Free Lenten Concert from the SPC / Wallingford Church Choirs
Sunday, March 24 / 3:00 pm
at Wallingford Presbyterian Church,
110 E. Brookhaven Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086
he choirs of Swarthmore and Wallingford Presbyterian Churches, led by Music Directors Meghan Ness and Elizabeth Braden, invite you to a Lenten concert lifting up the themes of fragility and love.
The program will feature three different settings of the psalm (including a world premiere by Marcus DeLoach), “The Hope of Loving” by Jake Runestad, a second world premiere, “Counting Stars” by composer Ted Babcock, and two works by former Springfield resident Sharon Marion Hershey commissioned several years ago by Wallingford Presbyterian Church. The concert will begin at 3:00 pm in the Wallingford Presbyterian Church sanctuary.
For more information:
Wallingford Presbyterian Church / wallingfordpres.org / 610-566-1644
Swarthmore Presbyterian Church / swarthmorepres.org / 610-543-4712
The concert is FREE and open to the community. A reception with light refreshments will follow and a free will offering will be accepted.