› Shawl Ministry: Wrapping Our Hearts & Prayers Around Those Who Need Them

Dedication Sunday, December 20

“Comfort ye, my people, says our God.”


he gentle warmth of a soft shawl knitted or crocheted by an unknown prayer partner around the shoulders or over the lap of one who is feeling tired and lonely is an ever-present reminder of our love for one another and God’s love for each and every one of us. We are grateful for those among us who transform balls of yarn into these wonderful shawls. The newest shawls will be blessed as part of our worship service on Sunday, December 20. If you have a shawl or two to add to our collection, please bring it to the church any Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday afternoon between 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. Anyone wishing a shawl to give to someone who may appreciate one is welcome to make arrangements for pickup with Parish Administrator Dorrie McGrath (610-304-6819).