› Longest Night: A Service of Light in the Midst of Darkness

Monday, December 21 / 7:00 pm
via Zoom (or in Fellowship Hall if Delco moves to “Yellow” phase of COVID-19)


n a year in which there has been much to lament and grieve, we are especially glad to provide a worship space this Advent season, for prayer, song, lament, and remembrance. Led by our Stephen Ministers and worship staff, this service holds the complexity of this season of joy coming in the midst of a time of deep loss. A Longest Night Gathering is a safe and sacred space to share anguish, to plead with God to remember us, to pray for justice and restoration, even to hope against hope, through our doubts and tears and fears, that “God will set things right all over the earth.”

We hope that you will make time to join us and to be fed by this time in worship together. For details about what to have with you during this time of worship and for the log in information, please RSVP by clicking here.

Questions? Please feel free to contact Dorrie McGrath.