Click here for the Carol Sing Book: Hymns and Carols for Advent & Christmas.pdf

› Christmas Carol Sing

Sunday, December 13 / 11:15 am
via Zoom


Come, All Ye Faithful! Let’s have some fun singing Christmas Carols via Zoom this year as a church family! Minister of Music Meghan Ness will provide the accompaniment and welcomes song suggestions. Sing with adoration, with humility, with joy: there are never any wrong notes when we are all muted! BYO coffee or hot chocolate and wear a little Christmas color. For Zoom specifics, see below.

ZOOM information:

Topic: Carol Sing! Zoom Meeting

Direct link:

If joining after launching Zoom:
Meeting ID: 944 4156 3662
Passcode: 347818

One tap mobile:
+13126266799,,94441563662# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,94441563662# US (New York)