Registration (collected the morning of the retreat) is $15. Please register in advance – online by emailing Marilyn Henkelman or in person by signing up in Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday, February 23 or Sunday, March 2.

› Women’s Lenten Retreat
Piece by Piece: Our Walk with God

Saturday, March 8 / 8:45 am – noon (in Fellowship Hall)

› Women’s Lenten Retreat – Piece by Piece: Our Walk with God

Sat. March 8 / 8:45 am – noon
in Fellowship Hall

Led by Rev. Michelle Grunseich


resbyterian Women is pleased to host a Lenten retreat on Saturday morning, March 8, at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Michelle Grunseich will lead us as we explore the Biblical and personal stories that have created and formed us. Through guided imagery, silent reflection, journaling, and spiritual practices, we will create space for participants to reflect on and engage in creating patterns of relationship and meaning in their Lenten journeys. This Lenten retreat is a gathering of women, women-identifying individuals, and non-binary and gender non-conforming people who are comfortable in a space that centers on the experience of women. The retreat will begin at 8:45 am with fellowship over breakfast. Participants are invited to bring a dish to share. We will spend the morning journaling, creating, learning together, walking an indoor labyrinth, engaging in T’ai Chi, and nourishing our spirits through song.

Registration (collected the morning of the retreat) is $15. Please register in advance – online by emailing Marilyn Henkelman or in person by signing up in Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday, February 23 or Sunday, March 2.