› Welcoming Jeff & Christi Boyd on Sunday, March 10

› Welcoming Jeff & Christi Boyd on Sunday, March 10


n Sunday, March 10, we will welcome in worship and fellowship, Jeff, and Christi Boyd, PCUSA Mission Co-Workers based in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Christi serves as the Regional Facilitator for Women’s and Children’s Interests, while Jeff is the Regional Liaison for Central Africa.  About two years ago, our World Mission Committee on behalf of our wider congregation began a new relationship with the Boyds, extending a long relationship we have had with Mission Co-Workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. For a more comprehensive summary about Jeff and Christi Boyd’s work, click here.

Opportunities to Engage with Jeff & Christi

See below for opportunities to learn about Jeff and Christi’s more than 30 years of ministry serving with the people of God in various countries in Central and West Africa.

  • 10:15 am: Jeff will be our Guest Preacher in worship
  • 11:30 am: Intergenerational Lunch – Click here to RSVP
    Led by Jeff and Christi in Fellowship Hall / Jeff & Christi Boyd invite folks of all ages to jump into the experience of African students as they seek to get an education, complete with its joys and struggles, through the tabletop game SchoolAfrica. Children, youth, and adults will be piqued and have a chance to discuss the church’s work. Veggie and meat options from Chipotle will be provided.

Engage with Jeff & Christi

See below for opportunities to learn about Jeff and Christi’s more than 30 years of ministry serving with the people of God in various countries in Central and West Africa.

10:15 am
Jeff will be our Guest Preacher
in the Sanctuary

11:30 am
Intergenerational Lunch
Click here to RSVP
Led by Jeff and Christi
in Fellowship Hall

Jeff & Christi Boyd invite folks of all ages to jump into the experience of African students as they seek to get an education, complete with its joys and struggles, through the tabletop game SchoolAfrica. Children, youth, and adults will be piqued and have a chance to discuss the church’s work. Veggie and meat options from Chipotle will be provided.