Help Spread the Word!
Please help in spreading the word about these changes. We encourage you to reach out to your fellow SPC members during this time of uncertainty, especially those who may be lonely or isolated. Phone calls, video calls, and emails are all safe ways to remain connected during the coming weeks.

Contact the SPC Pastoral Staff:
Rev. Joyce Shin:
Rev. Sarah Cooper Searight:
Minister Alex Evangelista:

This Sunday please stay home and join us online!

Grounded in our church’s mission of ministry and care for each member of our congregation and staff, especially the most vulnerable among us, during this time of immediate concern about the spread of COVID-19, the SPC Session with the support of the Worship & Music Committee, has decided to change our mode of worship for the coming weeks.

Sundays, the congregation will not gather for our usual indoor corporate worship services. Instead, a Sunday worship service will be recorded in advance and posted on the SPC web site as well as emailed to all congregants’ email addresses, as listed in the church directory, by 6 a.m. on Sunday morning.

This is a significant decision that the Session of SPC did not take lightly. At such a time as this, it is even more important for members of this body of Christ to care for and support each other. After thoughtful consideration of how best to protect the health of our members and considering our social responsibility to our larger community, we have agreed it is far better to be proactive rather than reactive at this time of impending pandemic. Our church is blessed to be advised by a panel of healthcare professionals, including experts in infectious disease. While many details about COVID-19 remain unknown, it is very likely that gatherings of people can foster the spread of the infection, since this is a virus that can be carried by people who are symptom free. Without testing kits available to test everyone, it is impossible to be certain who is carrying the virus. Already many institutions are taking similar action, for example by banning travel or prohibiting meetings of over six people. Several colleges in our region are moving all instruction online and asking students not to return to school after spring break. Especially when considering the potential impact of COVID-19 on our congregation, it is important to understand that the potential severity and death rate of the disease increases dramatically for the elderly and infirm.

Once you have had a chance to participate in worship by video…

The pastoral staff welcomes your response to this mode of worship. We foresee it evolving in the coming weeks. For example, we are considering options for live streaming some services, or for holding worship outside, where the risk of virus transmission may be reduced. We welcome your creative ideas to improve how the service is presented, or for other means of safely facilitating fellowship. We will maintain a page on the church website with up-to-date information regarding services and other church events, answers to frequently asked questions, and resources for support.