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› The SPC Building is Closed: Our Ministry Continues

The church is not a building; the church is not a steeple;
The church is not a resting place: the church is a people!


hese familiar words, penned by Richard Avery and sung many times by our children’s choirs, have never felt quite so important as this week, when our Session made the difficult decision to close the building so that we might minimize the spread of the coronavirus. Boards and committees are now meeting via phone or video conferences, worship is being recorded (as always) and shared on YouTube on Sunday mornings, and our ministers and church staff are working as much as possible from their own homes. A Wednesday prayer ministry eblast shares prayers for those who are grieving, in transition, and in need of healing and wholeness. This is all of us, of course. We are all in need of God’s presence and we are eager to minister to one another as well as those in our local, national, and global communities.

Our ministers and staff members, like you, are “here and now, ready to serve.” Contacts are available on the church Members’ website by clicking here.