› SPC & Red Cross Partner to Serve Local Patients

In this time of crisis in our nation and around the world, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church was recently able to make possible the collection of 251 pints of blood from the greater Swarthmore community for the American Red Cross.

The opportunity to serve in this way arose through a connection that member, and regular blood donor, Doug Harnsberger had with the Penn-Jersey Services Region of the Red Cross. With the generous donation of space made possible by the Swarthmore Community Center, and Doug’s careful coordination, Red Cross staff and volunteers set up to receive donors on March 23 and 24, and then again on April 1st and 2nd. In a note of gratitude from Red Cross Regional Liaison Jillian Daws, she let us know that approximately 700 local hospital patients will benefit from the generosity of our larger Swarthmore community

Thank you to all who donated, to Doug Harnsberger for his coordination, to Geoff Anderson, Chair of the Community Center Board for working with Doug to make special last-minute arrangements for the space to be available for the emergency blood drive, and to the Swarthmore Community Center and Swarthmore College for their partnership in this effort. The ministry of the church continues, even in this time when we can not gather. Thanks be to God for the gift to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world that God so loves.