› So Much More: Bible Study

Sunday, April 21 / 9:00 am (in the Study)

› So Much More: Bible Study

Sunday, April 21 / 9:00 am
in the Study


oin Adult Education this Sunday, April 21 at 9:00 am as we continue our study of the Gospel of Luke, continuing with the fourth chapter, when Jesus’ public ministry begins. There is so much more to the Bible than we usually get to explore on a Sunday morning or learn about in Sunday School. For some, the Bible is a new experience. What is this book anyway? Others might feel like it is a little… old? Too familiar? This study is for anyone who is curious to learn about the Bible in new ways. We will explore Biblical studies, church history, art, music, theology, mission; all the parts of who we are, and how scripture has, or could shape our lives.