Not able to attend? More opportunities to come!
This will not be your only opportunity to worship at Wesley A.M.E., so if you are unable to participate this time that is ok. For those who do not wish to attend, SPC will be following our regular Sunday schedule as well on January 19 with worship in the Chapel at 8 am, Christian Formation hour at 9 am, and worship in the Sanctuary at 10:15 am followed by fellowship.

› Shared Worship with Wesley A.M.E.

Sign Up to Participate! 
Sunday, Janaury 19 @ 10:00 am (note the new time!)
at Wesley A.M.E. Church, 232 Bowdoin Ave in Swarthmore

› Shared Worship with Wesley A.M.E.

Sign Up to Participate!
Sunday, January 19 @ 10 am
at Wesley A.M.E. Church
232 Bowdoin Ave in Swarthmore


he Session of SPC and the Stewards of Wesley A.M.E. in Swarthmore continue to work together to develop a regular opportunity for our communities to share worship. We have committed to worship together once a month, in a rotation that shifts between our two communities so that each gets to act as both host and guest. We are delighted to continue this shared worship experience as guests of the congregation of Wesley A.M.E. on Sunday, January 19 at 10:00 am (note the new time).

From our conversations with Rev. Catherine Brownlee and the Stewards of Wesley A.M.E., we have learned that they can most easily welcome up to 30 worshipers from SPC into their Sanctuary. Therefore, we are extending the invitation to you to sign up if you are interested in attending worship with a small group from SPC on Sunday, January 19. Please note the information in the Sign-Up Genius for those who do decide to take part, about parking availability and other helpful details for the morning. We are looking forward to the opportunity to worship with our siblings in Christ on this special day!

More opportunities to come!
This will not be your only opportunity to worship at Wesley A.M.E., so if you are unable to participate this time that is ok. For those who do not wish to attend, SPC will be following our regular Sunday schedule as well on January 19 with worship in the Chapel at 8:00 am, Christian Formation hour at 9:00 am, and worship in the Sanctuary at 10:15 am followed by fellowship.