There are three ways to make this payment:
- Use the envelopes available in the pews.
- Mail in a check made out to Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and marked Per Capita.
- Make a secure online payment via the SPC Payment Portal (debit or credit card) by clicking on the button below.
There are three ways to make this payment:
- Use the envelopes available in the pews.
- Mail in a check made out to Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and marked Per Capita.
- Make a secure online payment via the SPC Payment Portal (debit or credit card) by clicking here.
› 2023 “Per Capita”
Contributions support Presbyterian work
› 2023 “Per Capita”
Contributions support Presbyterian work
warthmore Presbyterian Church shares in the manifold benefits and responsibilities of membership in the broader Presbyterian Church (USA). One of our responsibilities to PC (USA) is financial support, offered through the Per Capita annual contribution, currently $32 per member. This contribution supports the work that can be accomplished best collectively by presbyteries, synods, and the General Assembly, and is apportioned among them as follows:
- $19.75 supports the Presbytery infrastructure necessary for shared ministries in Philadelphia, Delaware, Bucks, and Montgomery Counties
- $2.40 supports the Synod, which consists of 16 Presbyteries across Pennsylvania and parts of West Virginia and Ohio
- $9.85 supports the Office of General Assembly, which supports our Synods, Presbyteries, and over 10,000 congregations
Per capita contributions of $32 for each communicant member of our church would make a total $20,704 contribution to the broader Presbyterian church from SPC, and we would very much like to reach that spending goal. Per capita contributions are not funded through our operating budget, so we are asking you now to support the work of PC(USA) by giving $32 for each church member of your family. For more information online about Per Capita, click here. For a downloadable PCUSA flyer about Per Capita, click here.
There are three ways to make this payment:
- Use the envelopes available in the pews.
- Mail in a check made out to Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and marked Per Capita.
- Make a secure online payment via the SPC Payment Portal (debit or credit card) by clicking on the button below.