› Lord’s Day Worship Returns to the Sanctuary

› Lord’s Day Worship in the Sanctuary

Sundays / 8:15 am & 10:15 am
in the Sanctuary (10:15 am service livestreamed via Youtube)
Fellowship Hour: 9:00 – 10:15 am
in the Courtyard & Fellowship Hall
Bus Service: The SPC bus will be running, bringing fully vaccinated residents of the White Horse Village to SPC in time to participate in fellowship and then to attend the 10:15 am service.

Join us this Sunday!

To ensure socially-distanced seating in the Sanctuary, we will offer two Lord’s Day worship services. All who attend are encouraged to enter via a Narthex door, the Office door, or the Fellowship Lobby door. Our ushers are working hard to learn how best to respect the comfort levels of those still very careful about distancing while enabling persons from shared households to be seated together.

When you arrive at the church:

  • Masks are required in all indoor spaces.
  • We ask that you sign in at one of the greeter stations before entering the Sanctuary.
  • Please enter via a Narthex door, the Office door, or the Fellowship Lobby door.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at all Sanctuary entrances and many other places.
  • Most seating will be every other pew, allowing the 6’ distancing recommended by our COVID team.
  • Hymns and scripture readings can be found in the service bulletin.
  • For safety purposes, (fully vaccinated) song leaders will be singing hymns as the rest of us listen or hum along.
  • We are now livestreaming! Worship will be available in real time beginning at 10:15 am. and available to watch on the SPC Youtube channel directly afterwards.
Welcome – Guest Organists! SPC is delighted to welcome two special guest organists to help lead worship while Meghan is on vacation in July and August: please welcome Carol Portice on July 18 and Andrew Hauze on July 25 and August 1! We are grateful for their gift of music that so enriches our worship life at SPC!

Time with Children
10:15 am worship service

Children will be invited to engage with the gospel message of the day at our 10:15 am service. Both the 8:15 am and 10:15 am services will offer activity bags for young children, with worksheets on the lesson of the day (available in the large transept and at the rear of the Nave). We welcome all ages worshiping together.

Fellowship Hour / 9 – 10:15 am
in the Courtyard & Fellowship Hall

Parish Life is delighted to be back on duty, offering cold beverages and light snacks in the Courtyard. We ask you to please limit eating and drinking to outdoor spaces. Fellowship Hall will be open (and air conditioned) with comfortable seating and will again be a place for dropping off contributions to various outreach efforts and learning about upcoming events.


All are encouraged to enter via a Narthex door, the Office door, or the Fellowship Lobby door. The Fellowship Lobby door now has an automatic opener, so that anyone in a wheelchair may readily access the ramp entrance to the small transept or Fellowship Hall. In addition, several pews have been moved to create good spaces in each transept for those in a wheelchair to sit comfortably next to those in a pew.