Children’s Ministry Update

A bedtime prayer that can be used throughout the week: This prayer was created by Rev. Alex Evangelista, and can be downloaded as a coloring bookmark!

› Join Us for Sunday School on Zoom!

› Join Us for Sunday School on Zoom!

Hello SPC Parents. We hope you join us for our Sunday School on Zoom this Sunday, which uses the Growing in God’s Love curriculum and the Growing in God’s Love Bible. If you don’t yet have this Bible, let us know. Please take the time to save the zoom meeting ID, and check out our Sunday School alternatives if you cannot join us via zoom.

Updated Time for Sunday School Gathering
Join us this Sunday, from 9:00 – 9:45 am via Zoom by clicking here
Or entering the following: Meeting ID: 830-125-5187

Come to our regular Sunday School hour this week as we come together to send Matt with our blessings and love!

PLEASE NOTE: BYOB (Bring your own breakfast!). As we continue to do Sunday School in this hybrid model, feel free to come to Sunday School from home via zoom with your breakfast, and join us for this wonderful time of Christian Formation! If you’re joining us via zoom, please have a candle/light ready for when we enter our Sacred Spaces! Also see our most recent Children’s E-blast for any further supplies that may be needed.

› Children’s Sabbath

Sunday, May 30 / Online Only

The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. (Isaiah 11:6) 

he children’s worship leadership will play an essential role in this service of the Lord’s Day! You won’t want to miss it. Our children and the Christian Formation team have been working innovatively to nourish the seeds of our Children’s Cantata tradition so that they may emerge in a pandemic bloom. We will be hearing the voices of children, both as liturgists and as music-makers as the Holy Spirit blows through our worship together on this first Sunday after Pentecost. Join us on this day via YouTube, Facebook, or the SPC website.