› Celebrating Rev. Joyce Shin’s 5th Anniversary at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church

› Celebrating Rev. Joyce Shin’s 5th Anniversary at SPC

Sunday, April 18 / 11:30 am
in the SPC Parking Lot

“Thank you, oh Lord we come to say thank you! Thank you today for all the blessings you send our way.”


ust five years ago this weekend, the congregation of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church gathered to install our 10th pastor, Rev. Joyce Shin. It was an exciting time! This Sunday, we are invited to celebrate the abundant wisdom and leadership that Joyce has so generously shared with this congregation and the larger community and to thank God for the call that brought us together and continues to frame our ministry.

Our celebration will take place outdoors – in the parking lot behind Loeffler Chapel – so that as many of us as may safely be seated at 6-foot distances may attend. Are you able to bring your own folding chair? If so, that will be helpful. RSVP using the link below.