› Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes & Worship Service

Wednesday, March 5
Imposition of Ashes | 7 – 8:30 am at the Swarthmore train station
Ash Wednesday Worship Service | 7 pm in Loeffler Chapel

› Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes & Worship Service

Wednesday, March 5 
Imposition of Ashes | 7 – 8:30 am
(at the Swarthmore train station)
Ash Wednesday Worship Service | 7 pm
(in Loeffler Chapel)


sh Wednesday is a time that marks our calendars as the beginning of the Lenten season, forty days over which we focus our worship life towards the stories of Jesus’ ministry, as he makes his way steadily towards the cross. Lent is a time of intentional taking on and letting go, and we begin with the essential remembrance that in life and in death, we belong to God. On this Ash Wednesday, you are invited to take time in your day to mark this beginning and to set intention for the journey of Lent.

7:00 – 8:30 am | Ashes-to-go (at the Swarthmore train station) 
Beginning early in the morning on Ash Wednesday, Revs. Sarah Cooper Searight and David Norse Thomas will be available on the inbound platform of the Swarthmore Regional Rail station, offering ashes and a blessing. If you are waiting for a train or even driving by, please stop over to receive ashes or a blessing, or even just to say hello.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service | 7:00 pm in Loeffler Chapel

We gather on the evening of Ash Wednesday in the Chapel for a service of worship that includes both an imposition of ashes and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Together we are reminded that we are God’s and God’s alone, that “from dust we have come, and to dust we will return.” At the outset of this journey, we are fed by Scripture and by Sacrament, strengthened to walk as disciples of Jesus the road to Jerusalem and to the cross. We worship together on this night, seeking both assurance and intention for our Lenten pilgrimage. All are welcome.

Worship Service | 7:00 pm
in Loeffler Chapel

We gather on the evening of Ash Wednesday in the Chapel for a service of worship that includes both an imposition of ashes and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Together we are reminded that we are God’s and God’s alone, that “from dust we have come, and to dust we will return.” At the outset of this journey, we are fed by Scripture and by Sacrament, strengthened to walk as disciples of Jesus the road to Jerusalem and to the cross. We worship together on this night, seeking both assurance and intention for our Lenten pilgrimage. All are welcome.