Educational Lawsuit Informational Meeting led by The Public Interest Law Center: On May 23, Sponsored by Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, the Public Interest Law Center facilitated an Education Lawsuit informational meeting via zoom. Click on the link above to view the recording of this meeting. For more information on the Public Interest Law Center, please visit

“Becoming Antiracist” Adult Formation Resources

During our two-year journey toward “Becoming Antiracist,” beginning September 2020 through May of 2022, Adult Formation will be engaging with resources and events to help guide us in our weekly reflections. Please visit our Antiracism Resources Page for a list of our study books as well as other recommended readings, videos, podcasts, blogs, and other amazing resources!

Adult Formation Highlights and Study Books, Year 1 (Sept 2020–June 2021)

Educational Lawsuit Informational Meeting led by The Public Interest Law Center: On May 23, Sponsored by Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, the Public Interest Law Center facilitated an Education Lawsuit informational meeting via zoom. Click on the link above to view the recording of this meeting. For more information on the Public Interest Law Center, please visit

› Adult Formation – Recording of Our Educational Lawsuit Informational Meeting by The Public Interest Law Center

› Adult Formation – Recording of Our Educational Lawsuit Informational Meeting by The Public Interest Law Center

Worship for Sunday May 30 will be online only! This week there will be NO outdoor worship services: Click HERE for more.

Updated Time for Adult Formation
Join us this Sunday from 9:00 – 9:45 am via Zoom by clicking here
Meeting ID: 559 991 6216 / Passcode: 727

The Recording of the Informational Meeting can be found on YouTube and on the SPC Podcast via Spotify or Apple).


his year has shown us the essential importance of public schools. But in Pennsylvania, our legislative leaders have created a school funding system that leaves hundreds of thousands of students without basic educational support because they live in low-wealth school districts. School districts and parents are going to court to change that status quo, which violates the Pennsylvania state constitution’s guarantee of a “thorough and efficient” system of public education for all. Trial in the case is on track to begin this September.

This is a recording from our free online webinar with attorneys leading the case, as we learned the latest updates, what this case could mean for public education in Delaware County and beyond, the root causes of underfunding and funding disparities, and how you can join the movement for public schools. Pennsylvania has one of the largest funding gap in the country between low-wealth and high-wealth school districts. Pennsylvania is also ranked 44th in the share of funding that comes from the state, leaving local taxpayers to take on rising costs. As a result, underfunding is widespread–affecting urban, rural, and suburban districts–and it reproduces the same fundamental inequalities brought about by the history of residential segregation in our Commonwealth. Attorneys from the Public Interest Law Center are representing six school districts suing Pennsylvania legislative leaders to challenge this deprivation and inequality, demanding a school funding system that gives kids in every community, not just select ZIP codes, the tools they need to meet their potential. Show your support! Click HERE to sign our Educational Lawsuit Letter.

“Becoming Antiracist” Adult Formation Resources
During our two-year journey toward “Becoming Antiracist,” beginning September 2020 through May of 2022, Adult Formation will be engaging with resources and events to help guide us in our weekly reflections. Please visit our Antiracism Resources Page for a list of our study books as well as other recommended readings, videos, podcasts, blogs, and other amazing resources!Adult Formation Highlights and Study Books, Year 1 (Sept 2020–June 2021)