› Presbyterian Women Bible Study

Monday, January 9 / 7:00 pm (via Zoom)

› PW Monthly Bible Study

Monday, January 9 / 7:00 pm (via Zoom)


resbyterian Women (PW) offers monthly gatherings for Bible Study and fellowship on Monday evenings and welcomes newcomers. We have learned well the value of “Zoom” (a video conferencing platform), which enables participants to join us from wherever they are in a space where we may safely share conversation on the topic at hand, and plan to meet this way again this year. This year’s study guide is Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight, by Carol M. Bechtel. Copies are available in the church office ($12 each); please make arrangements with Marilyn Henkelman to ensure that one is set aside for you. Interested in joining the discussion? Please contact coordinator Marilyn Henkelman using the button below.