Kairos Team Service:

Periodically, teams of trained adult volunteers from communities near a prison host a 3 ½ day retreat, which presents a short course in Christianity at the prison. This interdenominational team of volunteers, both clergy and lay persons, works in cooperation with the prison Chaplain, who carefully selects up to 42 inmates to attend. Kairos follows-up the weekend with a reunion one week later, Prayer and Share gatherings (Friday nights) and a 6-month reunion.

Training meetings for the spring weekend (April 30-May 3) began Wednesday, January 18! New volunteers (might you be one of them?) are urged to attend at least 4 of the 5 monthly meetings. These meetings are designed to educate volunteers as to what to expect behind the walls, to build a functioning team, and to develop friendships among team members.

› Kairos Prison Ministry: An Invitation to Pray, to Write Letters, to Visit

Information Available Sunday Mornings in Fellowship Hall
Click on this link for the brochure: Kairos Brochure


airos Prison Ministry International is an ecumenical Christian faith-based ministry whose mission it is to address the spiritual needs of incarcerated individuals and their families. Our Peacemaking Committee has recently been in touch with them and now extends an invitation to the whole congregation to consider participating in this Christian witness. There are three main areas in which many of us can be helpful:

Letter Writing:

Short letters of prayer and hope for those incarcerated at the State Correctional Institution (SCI) in Chester will be collected over the coming months. Samples and some guidance are available at the Peacemaking table in Fellowship Hall.

Prayer for Inmates:

The local Kairos efforts focus on the State Correctional Facility in Chester. The Kairos Team that we be there April 30-May 3 invites our prayers for their work and for the inmates, chaplain, and superintendent, seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit in all they do and say, literally throughout the entire weekend. We are hoping to sign pray-ers up for 30-minute commitments beginning at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday and concluding at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Flyers outlining the work of Kairos Ministry, complete with a schedule of team meetings are available in the church office throughout the week and in Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings. Guidance on letter writing and signups for the prayer wheel may be found there as well.