› Fighting Hunger at Chester Eastside

Donations and volunteers needed!

› Fighting Hunger at Chester Eastside


ddressing food insecurity, a reality for thousands of people in Chester, is a critical ministry for local mission partner Chester Eastside, Inc. There are bountiful ways for us to help – primarily through regular food donations and volunteering. The need is ongoing and urgent. The two programs described below, Open Table and the Food Pantry, provided more than 100,000 meals last year.

How can SPC, as a mission partner, help?

Help with Open Table / Mondays & Wednesdays 11:00 am – 1:30 pm

Chester Eastside’s vision is to provide a full, healthy meal to anyone seeking to take part, without cost, questions, or requirements. The only commitment is that all who prepare and partake in each meal agree to create and maintain an environment that is inclusive, diverse, respectful of every person, and creates peace. The hope is to feed not only bodies, but hearts and spirits.

Volunteers are needed in several roles: setup, meal prep, host / greeter, companion, meal service, and clean up. Financial contributions are also helpful. The full cost for each meal is $200, though any contribution will go a long way to making sure our neighbors are fed well.

Questions? Please contact Diana Trout (dctrout@comcast.net), who is among the Open Table volunteers, or Susanne Smith (sks527@yahoo.com) or Tom Shaffer (TomShaffer_5@msn.com), who serve as our Outreach Committee’s liaisons to Chester Eastside.

Donate to the Food Pantry

Anyone living in the City of Chester, who is in need, can receive bagged food from CEI’s pantry. The Food Pantry offers enough bagged groceries for each family member to have three meals a day for six days. Emergency Food is also provided to anyone who expresses a need, regardless of income. You can help! Simply purchasing a few extra items whenever you go to the grocery store will make a real impact.

Contributions are welcome in SPC’s Outreach Center (lobby of Fellowship Hall) and delivered weekly to CEI (Chester Eastside Inc) by church volunteers. To view a list of the most useful foods, click here or help yourself to a copy in the Outreach Center.

Questions? Please contact Marianna Gebhardt (mpolitzer@hotmail.com), who delivers food regularly and also serves as a tutor in CEI’s after school program.