› Book Discussion: The Truth About Immigration by Exequiel (Zeke) Hernandez

Hosted by First Place Swarthmore (FPS)
Sunday, March 30 / 11:45 am (following worship)

in the Study, lunch provided

› Book Discussion: The Truth About Immigration by Zeke Hernandez

Hosted by First Place Swarthmore
Sunday, March 30 / 11:45 am
(following worship)

in the Study, lunch provided


irst Place Swarthmore invites you to join us for a discussion on the recently published book by Wharton Professor Zeke Hernandez, The Truth About Immigration. In this time when all pathways of immigration into the United States have been closed, and building on the opportunity to hear the book discussed by the author at earlier events in March, this is an invitation to gather as those who would like to dive deeper into the conversation. Whether or not you are able to attend the other events, you are welcome to this one. We invite you to purchase and read the book in advance of the conversation, and to come with your own questions and observations of this book around the central topic of the value of immigrants to our shared society. The Rev. Sarah Cooper Searight will convene our space and lead the conversation. We hope you will invite friends and neighbors who are interested to join in. Please RSVP to the Church Office (610-543-4712) by Wednesday, March 26 so that we might plan enough for the meal. Click here to order the book.