Session Boards & Committees

To meet the needs of a dynamic, faithful and growing congregation, SPC relies on its many active members to serve in a variety of ways. Our congregants’ talents, experiences and interests are vast, and we are always looking for ways to enrich our committees with fresh faces and new ideas. Below is a list of SPC’s boards and committees. Take a closer look and see where you might find your place.


Our Session, or “Ruling Elders,” is made up of 24 members of the congregation, plus the Moderator and Clerk of Session. Our Session governs both the spiritual and programmatic life of the congregation, actively guiding all our affairs and activities within the church. Each member of Session, referred to as an “elder,” leads or sits on one of our church committees. In addition, elders are trustees of the corporation and are responsible for the fiscal and property aspects of the Church.

Session Committees

  • Adult Education CommitteeThis committee is ideal for anyone who loves to teach others and enjoys learning! Members of this committee oversee and coordinate all our adult educational programs. They develop ideas and content for our Sunday morning education classes, working hard to create classes that span a variety of spiritual and contemporary topics.
  • Children’s Ministry Committee – At SPC, our goal is to build a strong spiritual foundation for our children that will help guide them in their adult life. Members of this committee work closely with the Children’s Ministry Coordinator on Sunday School programming, including the recruitment and training of teachers, and choice and implementation of curriculum. They also develop other ways outside of Sunday morning to have children involved in the life and ministry of the church.
  • Financial Stewardship Committee Committee members are responsible for all aspects of SPC’s annual giving campaign. Through this campaign, the Financial Stewardship Committee works hard to gather the financial resources our church needs to carry out its mission.
  • Membership Committee To help our church grow, we must have new members! This committee is tasked with expanding our family of faith through activities designed to seek out new members, and to ensure that all current members are fully engaged in SPC’s faith community.
  • Nominating Committee As you can see, we have lots of committees! It is the job of this committee’s members to secure the nominees for Session, Deacons, and Commissioners to represent SPC at Presbytery meetings. They also assist the Session committees in the process of recruiting their new members.
  • Outreach Committee SPC strives to be missional, in all that we do. This important committee is responsible for raising awareness of our call to serve one another and to offer support, hope, and encouragement to a broad spectrum of people, both locally and worldwide. Outreach recommends the mission budget for the church and decides on mission funding allocation for organizations. They also seek to get to know our mission partners and together work to fulfill their goals.
  • Parish Life Committee We believe that fellowship is an important part of creating a healthy church. At SPC, we offer many opportunities throughout the year for our members (and guests) to spend time together in fellowship. It is this committee that is responsible for organizing these social events, which include Sunday morning coffee and Fellowship Hour, our annual welcome-back picnic, Advent supper, and much more.
  • Personnel Committee Our Personnel Committee works with Session to oversee our relations with and employer responsibilities to the church staff. They are also responsible for recruiting all non-clergy staff and for making recommendations to Session for hiring and compensation for all employees.
  • Property Committee Given that our church has been in the same location for 120 years, this committee is a busy one! Members are responsible for the physical facilities of the church, monitoring the condition of the buildings, and overseeing capital improvements.
  • Worship & Music Committee To create a worship service that we feel is worthy of our members, our pastors need some help. These committee members help prepare communion, schedule acolytes and other worship volunteers, and maintain the materials used in worship services. They also review forms of worship and offer suggestions to the pastors and music director.

A Note from the Nominating Committee:

In the fall, our Nominating Committee actively solicits suggestions for people to serve on the boards and committees, and are always eager to involve new members and younger members in leadership activities. If you are interested in serving on one of our committees, or would like to suggest someone the committee should reach out to, please contact our Nominating Chair at

Once called, (and in the case of elders and deacons, elected), members usually serve 3-year terms. One-third of each board and committee retires annually. Most committees meet monthly on Tuesday nights, September through June. The Nominating Committee itself meets weekly on Mondays throughout the fall and as needed the rest of the year. Personnel generally meets the third Wednesday of the month.

Contact Us! We Would Love to Hear From You


(Scroll to view more)
February 23, 2025
  • February 23, 20258:00 am - 9:00 am

    Early Worship (Loeffler Chapel)

    This 45-minute service allows worshippers to engage with scripture through guided discussion in lieu of a sermon. Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of each month.

  • February 23, 20258:15 am - 9:30 am

    Wind ensemble rehearsal (Sanctuary)

  • February 23, 20259:30 am - 10:00 am

    Choir rehearsal (Sanctuary)

    Sunday morning preparation for worship.

  • February 23, 202510:15 am - 11:15 am

    Lord's Day Worship (Sanctuary and Livestream)

    SPC's Lord’s Day services embody a classic reformed worship tradition. The Word is proclaimed through liturgy, song, and preaching. Scriptures are generally read by lay liturgists. Music leadership is anchored by our choir. Our pastors share leadership and preaching responsibilities from week to week. Communion is offered on the 1st Sunday of each month.

    Services are livestreamed via YouTube beginning at 10:15 a.m. Sunday morning.

  • February 23, 202510:40 am - 11:20 am

    Godly Play (Loeffler Chapel)

    Following "Time with Children" (which happens just before the Sermon) children age 3 through 5th grade are invited to attend Godly Play, a Montessori-based method that engages children through their innate meaning-making language: Play.

  • February 23, 20259:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Bear Hugs

    SPC’s Presbyterian Women invite contributions to its annual “Bear Hugs” program. We will be collecting new and gently used teddy bears that will be donated to children who have experienced emergencies or trauma. Bears will be collected every Sunday in February in Fellowship Hall and welcomed in the church office throughout the week.

  • February 23, 202511:15 am - 12:00 pm

    Sunday Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)

    Please join us for beverages and snacks every Sunday following the 10:15 worship service.  Enjoy one another's company in Fellowship Hall and make a point of saying hello to someone you don't yet know!

  • February 23, 202511:30 am - 12:00 pm

    Alleluia! & Agape Singers (Loeffler Chapel)

    Our Alleluia! Singers deepen their sense of discipleship and faith through singing and develop their capacity for strong musical leadership for worship!  They will share for worship in October, November, and December.
    Who? Grades 3-5  

    Our Agape Singers spread God’s love through singing and share strong musical leadership for worship. They sometimes sing by themselves and other times with one of our other choirs.  They will share for worship in October, November, and December.   
    Who? Grades 6-8

    Led by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music

  • February 23, 20254:30 pm - 5:15 pm

    Hosanna! Singers (Loeffler Chapel)

    Our Hosanna! Singers gather to sing and move to music while growing in faith, love, and kindness!  

    Who? K-2nd Grade 
    Where? for just this Sunday, Loeffler Chapel
    Led by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music

  • February 23, 20255:30 pm - 8:30 pm

    Youth Group (with First Pres Springfield)

    Coordinated Youth Ministry: Wiffle Ball & Games   
    We will be heading to First Presbyterian Church Springfield, 356 Summit Road, Springfield, PA 19064. You can ride the bus from SPC or meet us there! When we arrive, we will meet at the back of the church in their Fellowship Hall. Lights will be on, and doors will be open!

February 27, 2025
  • February 27, 20257:00 pm - 7:30 pm

    Shane memorial rehearsal (Loeffler Chapel)

  • February 27, 20257:30 pm - 9:00 pm

    Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Loeffler Chapel)

    Weekly rehearsal to prepare for music for offering in worship Sunday mornings.  New singers always welcome! 
    Led by Minister of Music, Meghan Meloy Ness.

  • February 27, 20258:00 pm - 9:30 pm

    AA (McCahan Hall)

    Swarthmore Presbyterian Church welcomes AA participants to weekly meetings in McCahan Hall. Entrance is via a door on the west end of the parking lot (across from the ABC House) under a covered walkway there.

February 28, 2025
  • February 28, 20256:30 pm - 10:30 pm

    Party Gras (Fellowship Hall/Courtyard)

    Party Gras: A Mardi Gras Themed Fundraiser to Support SPC

    Save the Date: Friday, February 28 / 6:30 – 10:30 pm (in Fellowship Hall)

    Save the date and join us February 28 for a Mardi Gras inspired fundraiser to support Swarthmore Presbyterian Church! Enjoy an evening in a transformed Fellowship Hall with delicious food, game-show style games, silent auction, raffles, music and more! Friends, family, and neighbors are invited to attend this special (adults only) night at SPC. Admission per person will be $65 pre-purchase ($85 at the door), which includes an open bar (wine & beer & soft drinks), hors d’oeuvres, and games. For more details and to purchase tickets, click here.