› Palm Sunday Parade & Worship

Sunday, April 13
8:00 am Early Worship (Loeffler Chapel)
9:00 am Adult Education (Study)
10:00 am Palms Parade (Sanctuary)
10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary)

› Palm Sunday Parade & Worship

Sunday, April 13
8:00 am Early Worship (Loeffler Chapel)
9:00 am Adult Education (Study)
10:00 am Palms Parade (Sanctuary)
10:15 am Worship (Sanctuary)

They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!


osanna, Loud Hosannas! On Palm Sunday we join the festivities into Jerusalem as Jesus enters for his final time, riding on a donkey and met by a crowd of all ages waving palms and proclaiming, “Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!” Worship in the Sanctuary at 10:15 am will feature the joint choirs of Wesley AME & SPC.

Palm Sunday Labyrinth Walk: 3:45 pm
in the SPC Outdoor Labyrinth

On Palm Sunday afternoon we are pleased to offer a labyrinth walk led by a trained labyrinth facilitator. The session will begin with a brief introduction to this meditative practice for those who are new to praying in this way, and will be offered rain or shine, thanks to the canvas labyrinth that we are able to set up in Loeffler Chapel.

Directions to the Labyrinth: To access the Labyrinth, park on the western side (near the nursery school) of the church parking lot. Walk through the opening in the hedge (you are now in the McCabe Garden) and look to your right, where the labyrinth is clearly in view.

Palm Sunday Labyrinth Walk: 3:45 pm
in the SPC Outdoor Labyrinth
(in the case of rain, Loeffler Chapel)

On Palm Sunday afternoon we are pleased to offer a labyrinth walk led by a trained labyrinth facilitator. The session will begin with a brief introduction to this meditative practice for those who are new to praying in this way, and will be offered rain or shine, thanks to the canvas labyrinth that we are able to set up indoors.

Directions to the Labyrinth: To access the Labyrinth, park on the western side (near the nursery school) of the church parking lot. Walk through the opening in the hedge (you are now in the McCabe Garden) and look to your right, where the labyrinth is clearly in view.

Palm Sunday Procession: 10:00 am
in the Sanctuary

Holy Week begins with a parade, with singing and waving of palm fronds. Children and families: you are invited to participate! Simply gather in the large transept of the Sanctuary with Pastor David promptly at 10:00 am. Palms will be distributed for waving and joining in the procession. You will walk out to the covered walkway together and from there into the narthex, where you will join the choir and our pastors processing into the church and waving palms as worship begins.

Why do we have a parade? Jesus’ disciples made a big show of his entrance into Jerusalem, not as a military hero, but as a peaceful leader and friend. Palm Sunday is a chance to be reminded and be a part of the excitement that God is turning this tired world upside down with new life, peace, hope, and joy. We hope you will come catch the Spirit on April 13. Rain plans will be announced if needed.


The palms we waved this morning as we chant “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” are Eco-Palms, through which community members in the Maya Biosphere Reserve sort, package and sell the palms themselves — not via middlemen — so more of the money paid for the palms stays with the people who worked the hardest to provide them. Through the Eco-Palms project, 25% of the cost of each frond is going directly back to the communities that harvest them.

One Great Hour of Sharing Offerings Dedicated

One Great Hour of Sharing offerings will be dedicated this morning, giving thanks for the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Self Development of People, and the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Special offering envelopes are available in the pews and children’s coin banks will be welcomed during A Time with Children.

Click on this link to learn more: One Great Hour of Sharing 2025.