› Easter Sunday, April 20

› Easter Sunday, April 20

Sunrise Garden Service | 7:00 am in the Garden & Labyrinth
This is a joyful early morning celebration of the resurrection held in the Memorial Garden. We come with the women to the tomb and peer in. Among the new day light, the trees, and the early morning birds we raise our alleluias!

Easter Breakfast | 7:45 am in Fellowship Hall
Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna! Celebrate this day of days over a cup of coffee or tea and a light breakfast that features communion bread pudding.

Traditional Easter Service | 9 & 11 am in the Sanctuary & via livestream
These Easter services are joy-filled celebrations of the resurrection of our Lord. All are encouraged to bring flowers to adorn the cross! Our Easter cross is fashioned from the Chrismon tree, stripped bare for Lent, and adorned with flowers — signs of new life — on Easter morning. Musical traditions include the sounds of brass and the singing of Händel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” Those who have lost a close friend or family member this year are invited after worship to take home one of the potted lilies that adorn the Sanctuary this morning. There is festive fellowship for all in Fellowship Hall between the two services.

Sunrise Garden Service | 7:00 am
in the Garden & Labyrinth

This is a joyful early morning celebration of the resurrection held in the Memorial Garden. We come with the women to the tomb and peer in. Among the new day light, the trees, and the early morning birds we raise our alleluias!

Easter Breakfast | 7:45 am
in Fellowship Hall
Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna! Celebrate this day of days over a cup of coffee or tea and a light breakfast that features communion bread pudding.

Traditional Easter Service | 9 & 11 am
in the Sanctuary & via livestream

These Easter services are joy-filled celebrations of the resurrection of our Lord. All are encouraged to bring flowers to adorn the cross! Our Easter cross is fashioned from the Chrismon tree, stripped bare for Lent, and adorned with flowers — signs of new life — on Easter morning. Musical traditions include the sounds of brass and the singing of Händel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” Those who have lost a close friend or family member this year are invited after worship to take home one of the potted lilies that adorn the Sanctuary this morning. There is festive fellowship for all in Fellowship Hall between the two services.

Easter Notes for Children: Childcare for infants and toddlers will be provided in our nursery throughout the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services. Parents, please come early enough to allow for the comfortable adjustment of your child(ren). Children (age 3-5th grade) are invited, following A Time with Children, to Godly Play, to encounter God’s presence through storytelling, wondering together, engaging in play, and creative work.