› Holy Week Services in the Style of Taizé

Monday, March 25 – Wednesday, March 27 / 7:00 pm
in Loeffler Chapel

› Holy Week Services in the Style of Taizé

Mon. March 25 – Wed. March 27 / 7 pm
in Loeffler Chapel


vening Services held in the Taizé style, with a mix of music, silence, Scripture, and prayer, will be offered each weekday evening leading up to Maundy Thursday. In line with the Scripture story each evening, these services will also include opportunities to engage with our senses and go deeply into this last week of Jesus’ life. Monday will include a Liturgy of Healing, with an opportunity to receive oil for anointing as we hear of Jesus’ own anointing by Mary. Tuesday will be a service contrasting light and darkness, with an opportunity to light candles in prayer. Wednesday will include a Liturgy of foot washing, remembering that one of Jesus’ last acts was to wash the feet of his disciples and command them to lead lives of servanthood much as he did. Worship leaders will be SPC clergy and musicians.