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We would love for you to take a closer look at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church! Below are answers to some “frequently asked questions” that we hope will help you feel more at home on your visit to SPC. Additional answers to common questions can be found on the Plan Your Visit page.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do you offer Christian education for children and adults?
Yes, we do! Every Sunday from September to June, adults, youth, and children are invited to join us at 9:00 AM for education classes that we hope will be both faithful and engaging.
Am I allowed to take communion?
Yes! We invite all those who place their faith in Jesus Christ and seek his strength to share in communion with us. You don’t have to be a member of SPC or even a Presbyterian. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month.
Do I have to give an offering?
No. The offering provides a way for our members to support the life and ministry of the church. If you feel led to contribute, you certainly may, but please don’t feel like you must. You are our guest. You bless us with your presence.
How do I become a member?
We would be thrilled to welcome you into our church family! Speak to a pastor or contact Dorrie McGrath, Parish Administrator, to get information about our upcoming Inquirer Gatherings.
There are three ways to become a member:
- Profession of Faith is the first and most significant step a person takes in his or her faith journey. At this time the individual receives Jesus Christ into his or her life and professes that reception before the worshiping congregation. Baptism is administered if the person has not already been baptized as an infant or child.
- Transfer of Membership occurs when a person has been active in another church and simply requests a Letter of Transfer or of good standing from that church.
- Reaffirmation of Faith is for those who have made a Profession of Faith and were once involved in a church but have not been active for some time. If they have been deleted from their former church’s roll of membership, we accept their original Profession of Faith.
What about baptism?
As Presbyterians, we baptize people of all ages, from infants to adults. If you have never been baptized, or if you would like your child baptized, talk to one of our pastors. She or he will discuss the meaning of baptism with you and talk about why you desire baptism. If you have already been baptized, we do not believe that you need to be baptized again, although we can help you reaffirm the promises made in your baptism to mark a spiritual awakening in your life.
At what age do youth normally get confirmed at SPC?
We begin with Pre-Confirmation for 6th–8th graders to set the stage. In 9th grade, we begin the formal “confirmation” process.
Contact Us! We Would Love to Hear From You
- March 23, 2025
March 23, 20254:30 pm - 5:15 pm
Hosanna! Singers (Sunday School Wing)
Our Hosanna! Singers gather to sing and move to music while growing in faith, love, and kindness!
Who? K-2nd Grade
Where? "Pink Room" across from Godly Play room
Led by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music
- March 24, 2025
March 24, 20259:00 am - 7:00 pm
Red Cross Blood Drive (Fellowship Hall)
There is a continuing urgent need for donated blood. Through the American Red Cross we are invited to help local hospital patients by donating blood at the Swarthmore Community blood drive. Visit the Red Cross at to learn more and follow the prompts to donate right here in Fellowship Hall. Parking is available in the auxiliary parking lot across the street from the church.
Any challenges with signing up may be directed to Doug Harnsberger at or 804-399-0814. Thank you, Doug!
- March 26, 2025
March 26, 202510:15 am - 11:30 am
Bell Choir rehearsal (Loeffler Chapel)
Our Bell Choir rings for worship about once a month. The ensemble always welcomes short- and long-term substitutes who enjoy ringing for rehearsals and worship.
Directed by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music
- March 27, 2025
March 27, 20257:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall)
Weekly rehearsal to prepare for music for offering in worship Sunday mornings. New singers always welcome!
Please note the time! We begin at 7:00 these three Thursdays to allow time to rehearse for the March 29 concert with Mark Miller.
Led by Minister of Music, Meghan Meloy Ness. -
March 27, 20258:00 pm - 9:30 pm
AA (McCahan Hall)
Swarthmore Presbyterian Church welcomes AA participants to weekly meetings in McCahan Hall. Entrance is via a door on the west end of the parking lot (across from the ABC House) under a covered walkway there.
- March 29, 2025
March 29, 202510:00 am - 12:30 pm
Concert rehearsal (Sanctuary)
March 29, 20253:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Singing Our Love and Hope (Sanctuary)
The Music Ministry of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church is pleased to host Mark Miller, nationally known composer, and organist, in an afternoon choral and sing-along concert this afternoon benefitting ABC Strath Haven. All are welcome!
For more information, click here: Singing Our Love and Hope