Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry

At SPC, we try to impart the best of our faith to our children. Our weekly Sunday School classes are designed to raise children in the ABC’s of Christian faith, while creating space for them to ask their questions about the bible, Jesus, and God. Do you have questions that are not answered here? Would you like to get involved? Do you just want to get to know who is ministering with our kids? Click here to set up a time to meet with Rev. David Norse Thomas, Associate Pastor for Christian Formation.

Psalm 139: 13-14 

For it was you who formed my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
that I know very well.

The Children in your life are welcomed here! Jesus encourages and empowers us to be a community where children and youth of all identities, and various abilities, disabilities, mental health experiences and neuro-typical/atypical experiences are a part of who we are, and who we are becoming. We welcome the children and young people in your life, and honor your role in helping make Swarthmore Presbyterian Church a space of welcome and inclusion. You are invited to contact Rev. David Norse Thomas to learn about our programing, decide what you wish to try, and when needed, co-create accommodations with us. We also want to acknowledge that we have made, and will continue to make, mistakes; that’s part of the messy gift of community, being human, and relying on God’s grace. We try our best, and invite others to join us, in practicing grace with others and ourselves. We acknowledge our own limitations, in our training and skills, while we continue to learn and grow. We welcome and offer referrals to mental health professionals, social workers, and community organizations, understanding that we can’t be everything to everyone, while being committed to be a part of your faith journey in the ways we can. 

 Children’s Christian Formation

How can children get involved? Come to Sunday morning worship at 10:15 am! Through our programs, we seek to create encounters between children and God, and connect the language of the Christian faith with children’s innate spirituality. If you can, fill out and email in this registration form, or feel free to print it out and bring it with you. We also have physical copies if that’s easier for you! 

Children & Youth Registration
On Sunday mornings, children gather to help prepare Worship and our community life in many ways. During this time, we will learn and practice different ways of loving God, one another, and ourselves. You are invited to join us. Please click here to download the registration form.

Nursery Care for Toddlers and Preschoolers
A staff person and volunteers provide child care during worship. We hope that even young children will begin to worship and practice worship skills at SPC, but we know that this is a process, so there is a great team of adults and older youth to be with our toddlers in the nursery, and with preschool ages and up after “A Time with Children.” 

Music Ministry with Children 
Our Music Ministry with Children teaches our young friends about God’s love through singing and playing instrument, and how to share God’s love with others through musical leadership for worship. Contact Meghan at for more information about how to be a part of this joyful part of our life together.  

Worship Leadership Opportunities
Children are connected to God, and have much they can teach one another, and adults of all ages. In our worship together, we seek to honor this truth by inviting people of all ages, abilities, and gifts to lead; from sharing music, to reading, leading prayers to lighting candles to carrying in the Bible, preaching to creating art, there are an ever-expanding variety of ways to be involved. Click here to schedule a time with Pastor David to explore what might be possible!

› A Time with Children

Our Time with Children is a special experience in our life together as a community every Sunday morning as part of our 10:15 Worship service. Children are invited to gather around our kids communion table, and we share Jesus’ love with them in all sorts of unique ways, and experience their honesty, openness, creativity, humor, and deep kindness. Many of our adults also find that these messages resonate with them and their inner child, and can be a great way for parents, caregivers, and others to start conversations with the children in their lives.  

Sharing Jesus’ Meal Together (First Sunday of Each Month)
On Sunday’s when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (also known as Communion or the Eucharist), our children remain in worship for the entire service, and are invited to come up to their own table with Pastor David. Our children share the meal with each other, passing the bread, ripping off a piece, and passing the cup, dipping their bread. There is always more than enough, so everyone can have seconds! 

› Godly Play

What is Godly Play?
Godly Play is a Montisorri based method of story telling, reflection, and creativity that engages children through their innate meaning making language; Play. A session includes a story, told from memory from a trained adult, a time of wondering as a group, individual work where children can use the pieces from stories and/or create with art supplies, and then a feast, where children serve one another around a simple snack.

When is Godly Play? 
On Sunday Morning’s when we are not celebrating communion, our children head up to the Godly Play Room after A Time With Children. Parents/caregivers then come up to the room after the service, and are invited to head to Fellowship Hall for refreshments.

What is special about Godly Play?
Godly Play creates a space for children to make meaning through story, wonder, and play. It nurtures the innate spiritual lives of children by honoring their centrality, competency, and capacity, by providing a space for exploring the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. The Godly Play curriculum engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into—and pursuing us in the midst of—Scripture and spiritual experience, and teaches us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives.

Godly Play… 

  • has a Montessori foundation with 40+ years of research and practice.
  • values process, openness, discovery, community and relationships.
  • models the worship life, stories, symbols and rituals of Christian congregations.
  • allows practitioners to make relevant and personal theological meaning.
  • nurtures participants to larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering and play.

What does Godly Play do from an educational standpoint?
Providing structure for spiritual practice, the Godly Play method engages our innate spirituality and nourishes use of religious language to make meaning from Biblical stories through the Creative Process. Originally designed as a curriculum for the spiritual guidance of children, the Godly Play method firstly aims for fluency in the Christian language before adolescence so that children entering this next stage of development have the ability to explore their existential limits and articulate their experiences in community.

Fluency does not mean “remembering the language as an end in itself.” Instead, a “conscious and functioning language system” develops because “religious language acts as a door into the pure coordination of actions among God, self, others and the creation.” Because language names and orders thoughts, the base language used to construct reality plays a significant role in the reality itself. Pre-language, conceptions of Self, God, Others and Nature connect and communicate directly with one another. When language is added, “the primary relationships are now refracted through the prism of the language.” In practice, the language domain influences relationships, meaning, and use of one’s knowledge and experience.

The art of using language is acquired through modeling and immersion; words are only part of the process. Since both spoken and unspoken meaning foster full language acquisition, the environment and culture of Godly Play practice is critical—the method is much more than a clever way to tell Bible stories. The Godly Play curriculum guides participants through self-discovery, which is fundamental to the Montessori tradition from which Godly Play developed. While the Godly Play method is a spiritual practice, spiritual experiences during Godly Play sessions are actually the mechanism for “being in religious language.” These experiences serve as both a conditioner for our existing spiritual connection with God and as the instrument for grounding spirituality in the Christian language and community of religion.

Learn More About SPC’s Children’s Ministry Do you have questions that are not answered here? Would you like to get involved? Do you just want to get to know who is ministering with our kids? Click here to set up a time to meet with Rev. David Norse Thomas, Associate Pastor for Christian Formation.

Contact Us! We Would Love to Hear From You

Upcoming Events

March 9, 2025
  • March 9, 202510:40 am - 11:20 am

    Godly Play (Godly Play room)

    Following "Time with Children" (which happens just before the Sermon) children age 3 through 5th grade are invited to attend Godly Play, a Montessori-based method that engages children through their innate meaning-making language: Play.

  • March 9, 202511:30 am - 12:00 pm

    Alleluia! & Agape Singers (Loeffler Chapel)

    Our Alleluia! Singers deepen their sense of discipleship and faith through singing and develop their capacity for strong musical leadership for worship!  They will share for worship in October, November, and December.
    Who? Grades 3-5  

    Our Agape Singers spread God’s love through singing and share strong musical leadership for worship. They sometimes sing by themselves and other times with one of our other choirs.  They will share for worship in October, November, and December.   
    Who? Grades 6-8

    Led by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music

  • March 9, 20254:30 pm - 5:15 pm

    Hosanna! Singers (Sunday School Wing)

    Our Hosanna! Singers gather to sing and move to music while growing in faith, love, and kindness!  

    Who? K-2nd Grade 
    Where? "Pink Room" across from Godly Play room
    Led by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music

Psalm 139: 13-14 

For it was you who formed my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
that I know very well.