Children in Worship

Because we are thankful for the presence of children among us, we strive to include them, so they may worship just as fully as adults do. Here at SPC, we believe that worship is vital to the religious lives of children, both for their daily lives now and as part of the formation of a mature faith. We also know that younger children sometimes need to move and make noise more than adults do. Bringing children to worship may not always be easy, but it is a vital part of their Christian journey.

Worship Bookshelves

There are several useful tools available to keep active hands busy and minds engaged. Children ages 4 through 13 will find a variety of books, children’s Bibles, coloring worksheets, and word games in the children’s activity center, located in the large transept and on the bookshelf in the back corner of the Sanctuary. Please invite your children to go and take a look.

A Time with Children

Children are a vital part of our worship life, and always welcome. Every Sunday, in the 10:15 am service, children are called forward for a special lesson that relates back to what we are discussing in worship that morning. The pastor sits on the steps in the front of the Sanctuary, alongside the children, and engages them in a lesson, using words and props that younger children can understand and enjoy. Sometimes we ask them questions; other times we tell them stories; and we always conclude with a repeat-after-me prayer.

After A Time with Children concludes, children ages 3 through 6 are welcome to head up to McCahan Hall for enrichment activities.

Acolytes, Banner & Cross Carriers

In the Presbyterian tradition, pastors and choir process into the sanctuary at the beginning of our service. On “high” Sundays in the church calendar, the procession is led by youth carrying the cross and church banner. Children in 5th grade and older and invited to be among those who lead us into worship.

Chapel Worship

Our most “kid-friendly” service is our Chapel service, which meets twice each month in Loeffler Chapel. Here, participants are invited to worship God with hands and feet, as well as words, songs and silence. Elements of worship take many forms, from art to movement to quiet contemplation.


Childcare for infants and young toddlers is always available from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm in our Nursery, located in the back corner of McCahan Hall. Our Childcare coordinator is there every Sunday, providing a fun, safe, and consistent presence for the kids.

Contact Us! We Would Love to Hear From You

Upcoming Events

March 24, 2025
  • March 24, 20259:00 am - 7:00 pm

    Red Cross Blood Drive (Fellowship Hall)

    There is a continuing urgent need for donated blood.  Through the American Red Cross we are invited to help local hospital patients by donating blood at the Swarthmore Community blood drive. Visit the Red Cross at to learn more and follow the prompts to donate right here in Fellowship Hall.  Parking is available in the auxiliary parking lot across the street from the church.

    Any challenges with signing up may be directed to Doug Harnsberger at or 804-399-0814.  Thank you, Doug!

March 26, 2025
  • March 26, 202510:15 am - 11:30 am

    Bell Choir rehearsal (Loeffler Chapel)

    Our Bell Choir rings for worship about once a month.  The ensemble always welcomes short- and long-term substitutes who enjoy ringing for rehearsals and worship. 
    Directed by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music

March 27, 2025
  • March 27, 20257:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall)

    Weekly rehearsal to prepare for music for offering in worship Sunday mornings.  New singers always welcome! 
    Please note the time!  We begin at 7:00 these three Thursdays to allow time to rehearse for the March 29 concert with Mark Miller.
    Led by Minister of Music, Meghan Meloy Ness.

  • March 27, 20258:00 pm - 9:30 pm

    AA (McCahan Hall)

    Swarthmore Presbyterian Church welcomes AA participants to weekly meetings in McCahan Hall. Entrance is via a door on the west end of the parking lot (across from the ABC House) under a covered walkway there.

March 29, 2025
  • March 29, 202510:00 am - 12:30 pm

    Concert rehearsal (Sanctuary)

  • March 29, 20253:00 pm - 4:30 pm

    Singing Our Love and Hope (Sanctuary)

    The Music Ministry of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church is pleased to host Mark Miller, nationally known composer, and organist, in an afternoon choral and sing-along concert this afternoon benefitting ABC Strath Haven. All are welcome!
    For more information, click here: Singing Our Love and Hope

March 30, 2025
  • March 30, 20258:00 am - 9:00 am

    Early Worship (Loeffler Chapel)

    This 45-minute service allows worshippers to engage with scripture through guided discussion in lieu of a sermon. Communion is served on the 1st Sunday of each month.

  • March 30, 20259:00 am - 9:30 am

    Bell Choir rehearsal (Sanctuary)

  • March 30, 20259:00 am - 9:30 am

    Mixed Quartet rehearsal (McCahan Hall)

  • March 30, 20259:30 am - 10:00 am

    Choir rehearsal (Sanctuary)

    Sunday morning preparation for worship.

  • March 30, 202510:15 am - 11:15 am

    Lord's Day Worship (Sanctuary and Livestream)

    SPC's Lord’s Day services embody a classic reformed worship tradition. The Word is proclaimed through liturgy, song, and preaching. Scriptures are generally read by lay liturgists. Music leadership is anchored by our choir. Our pastors share leadership and preaching responsibilities from week to week. Communion is offered on the 1st Sunday of each month.

    Services are livestreamed via YouTube beginning at 10:15 a.m. Sunday morning.

  • March 30, 202510:40 am - 11:20 am

    Godly Play (Godly Play room)

    Following "Time with Children" (which happens just before the Sermon) children age 3 through 5th grade are invited to attend Godly Play, a Montessori-based method that engages children through their innate meaning-making language: Play.

  • March 30, 202511:15 am - 12:00 pm

    Sunday Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)

    Please join us for beverages and snacks every Sunday following the 10:15 worship service.  Enjoy one another's company in Fellowship Hall and make a point of saying hello to someone you don't yet know!

  • March 30, 202511:45 am - 1:15 pm

    Book Discussion: The Truth About Immigration (Study)

    First Place Swarthmore invites you to join us for a discussion on the recently published book by Wharton Professor Zeke Hernandez, "The Truth About Immigration." In this time, when all pathways of immigration into the United States have been closed, this is an open invitation to gather as those who would like to dive deeper into the conversation.
    Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to the Church Office (610-543-4712) by Wednesday, March 26 so that we might plan enough for the meal.

  • March 30, 20254:30 pm - 5:15 pm

    Hosanna! Singers (Sunday School Wing)

    Our Hosanna! Singers gather to sing and move to music while growing in faith, love, and kindness and are sharing in worship today.

    Who? K-2nd Grade 
    Where? (normally) "Pink Room" across from Godly Play room
    Led by Meghan Meloy Ness, Minister of Music

  • March 30, 20254:30 pm - 6:00 pm

    Snack Sunday (Fellowship Hall)

    It is time to clean out our snack pantry and restock. Come for an evening of cleaning, eating, and most importantly; shopping.