In the words of the hymn our youngest children are currently learning: “What does our God require of us? To do justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.”

› Human Trafficking Awareness

Presbyterians at Work in the World

› Human Trafficking Awareness

Presbyterians at Work in the World


ationally, the whole of January is recognized as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Click here for more information from the U.S. Department of State about the history of this effort to raise awareness of, identify, and prevent this crime. Human trafficking and sexual exploitation are among the oldest and most insidious forms of social injustice, and most of us feel powerless to intervene or mitigate in any substantial way. But knowledge is power. SPC’s Human Trafficking Awareness Group (HTAG) invites us to learn more and celebrates the work of the national church, through its Compassion, Peace & Justice ministry, which engages with Presbyterians and partners across the U.S. and internationally. Click here for more from the Presbyterian Mission webpage.

Worthy of Note: one of the stories on the Presbyterian Mission site features Christi Boyd, global mission co-workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, supported by Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Christi writes here about an anti-human trafficking campaign in Madagascar.