› Ordination & Installation of Elders & Deacons

Sunday, February 27 | 10:15 am
in the Sanctuary

› Ordination & Installation of Elders & Deacons

Sunday, February 27 | 10:15 am
in the Sanctuary

“Called as partners in Christ’s service, called to ministries of grace, we respond with deep commitment fresh new lines of faith to trace. May we learn the art of sharing, side by side and friend with friend, equal partners in our caring to fulfill God’s chosen end.”
– from the hymn “Called as Partners in Christ’s Service,” by Jane Parker Huber


n Sunday, February 27, we will be ordaining and installing those called by God to serve as Ruling Elders and Deacons this year.  The questions we ask of them, our promises of support, and the laying on of hands (by those with whom they will serve and those who have come before them), are powerful reminders of the great trust and authority given to our church leaders. The liturgical color for ordination, as for Pentecost, is red, symbolizing the Holy Spirit, so we are all invited to wear a touch of red this morning!

Reception in Fellowship Hall and the Courtyard
Parish Life will be hosting a reception in Fellowship Hall and invites us all to greet our newest church leaders in person, enjoy the music, and contribute a few words to a project through which we are all asked to think about where the Spirit may be leading us in the year ahead. Hot beverages and refreshments will be available in the Courtyard.