Lord’s Day Worship with SPC


In Person Worship Services

› Lord’s Day Worship in the Sanctuary & Loeffler Chapel

› Lord’s Day Worship in the Sanctuary & Loeffler Chapel

Sundays / 8:00 am & 10:15 am
8:00 am in Loeffler Chapel
10:15 am in the Sanctuary (video available via Youtube after 1:00 pm)
Fellowship Hour: 9:00 & 11:00 am
in Fellowship Hall and the Courtyard
Bus Service
The SPC bus will be running, bringing fully vaccinated residents of the White Horse Village to SPC in time to attend the 10:15 am service.

Join us this Sunday!

Join us in person!
As you may have heard now in an email from Rev. Shin, guided by the Covid-19 Task Force, Session voted to resume in-person worship. We are delighted to be able to gather again with all of those who are able.

Join us via livestream!
Be on the lookout for our Sunday Morning email blast with more information! If you cannot make our livestream service at 10:15 am, a full video recording will be available on Youtube.

We are invited to worship together following these temporary safety practices:
  • Due to increased incidence in Delaware County, please wear a mask when indoors. Masks are available at each sanctuary entrance. Please allow space between household units
  • With the support of our ushers, congregants are seated at whatever distancing from one another is comfortable.
  • Small baskets may be found at the end of each pew to receive our offerings; these are picked up by ushers during the Offertory.
  • Following worship, we are all invited to greet one another in Fellowship Hall or the Courtyard, where beverages and refreshments can be enjoyed.
  • For those who are vaccinated, masks are now optional, except when singing or when in close proximity to young children. Please do put on a mask when needed for these reasons. Masks are available for those who come without them. There are hymnals and Bibles in the pews again!
  • For those not yet vaccinated, masks are required, and available at each entrance.
  • With the support of our ushers, congregants are seated at whatever distancing from one another is comfortable.
  • Small baskets may be found at the end of each pew to receive our offerings; these are picked up by ushers during the Offertory.
  • Following worship, we are all invited to greet one another in Fellowship Hall or the Courtyard, where beverages and refreshments can be enjoyed.

We will hold two Lord’s Day worship services at 8:00 am and 10:15 am.

Early Morning Worship Service
8:00 am (in Loeffler Chapel)

The Early Morning Worship Service at 8:00 am will take place in Loeffler Chapel. This 45-minute service allows worshipers to engage with Scripture through guided discussion in lieu of a sermon, and music is led by a pianist. The order of worship and liturgy very similar to those experienced in the Sanctuary at 10:15 AM.

Worship in the Sanctuary
10:15 am worship service

Worship in the Sanctuary at 10:15 am embodies a classic worship tradition. The Word is proclaimed through liturgy, song and preaching. Music is primarily led and enhanced by robed choir and pipe organ. Communion for both of morning services is served on the first Sunday of each month.

A Time with Children
10:15 am worship service

Children are a vital part of our worship life, and always welcome. Families can find activity bags in our Sanctuary with worksheets on the lesson of the day (available in the large transept and at the rear of the Nave). In the 10:15 am service, there is a Moment for Children, when children are invited to engage with the Scripture of the day.

From Wonder to Wisdom
10:15 am worship service
After “A Time with Children”

Following “A Time with Children”, children ages 3 through 6 will be invited to Loeffler Chapel for “From Wonder to Wisdom”, a time led by a Pastor and volunteers that uses methods of Godly Play to engage children further in the Scripture lesson for the day.

Fellowship Hour
9:00 & 11:00 am
in Fellowship Hall & the Courtyard

Parish Life is delighted to provide hot beverages and light snacks in the Courtyard. Please limit eating and drinking to outdoor spaces. Fellowship Hall will be open with comfortable seating for conversation and often information about upcoming events.

Safety Notes

While we encourage vaccination when possible, we are not checking vaccination status. However, anyone coming on site certifies by doing so that (a) they do not currently have COVID-19; (b) they are not experiencing COVID symptoms (a current list of which can be found here); (c) they have no reason to quarantine; and (d) they will practice social distancing. The wearing of masks is required for everyone indoors, regardless of vaccination status.


All are encouraged to enter via a Narthex door, the Office door, or the Fellowship Lobby door. The Fellowship Lobby door now has an automatic opener, so that anyone may readily access the ramp entrance to the small transept or Fellowship Hall. There are good spaces in each transept for those in a wheelchair to sit comfortably next to those in a pew.


Online Worship Services

It is a joy to worship online when we cannot be together in person.

This Sunday, we continue to livestream our 10:15 am worship service! To Join us, click on the link below (when worship begins or earlier for the prelude). A full video recording will be available afterwards on Youtube.

This Sunday, we continue to livestream our 9:00 am worship service! To Join us, click on the link below (when worship begins or earlier for the prelude). A full video recording will be available afterwards on Youtube.


Recent Online Worship Services

To access additional worship service videos click here.