Rev. Joyce Shin

Pastor and Head of Staff
610-543-4712 ext. 113

Joyce Shin serves as Pastor and Head of Staff at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.

Joyce earned her B.A. at Rhodes, a liberal arts college in Memphis, Tennessee, where she majored in both Religious Studies and Classical Languages. She then studied Ethics in Germany at Tübingen University as a Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholar. In 2000, Joyce completed her Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) at The Divinity School of The University of Chicago, with a thesis on “The Role of Music in Theological Education.” There she also received a Ph.D. in Theological Ethics, writing her dissertation on “Faith in an Age of Cultural Pluralism: An Aesthetic Approach to Transformation.”

During her graduate studies, Joyce served as Presbyterian campus minister for Yale undergraduate students and taught ministry students at Yale Divinity School, The Divinity School of The University of Chicago, and McCormick Seminary. For 10 years, Joyce served as Associate Pastor for Congregational Life at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, a large urban church whose membership numbers over 5000. She is passionate about building interfaith relationships and has served the greater church in its interfaith work, for which she received from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) the Prophetic Woman of Faith Award. She has served as a Trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, the world’s oldest interfaith organization, and currently serves as a member of the Board of Interfaith Philadelphia. Additionally, she serves as a Trustee on the Board of McCormick Theological Seminary and as President of Partners in Ministry, supporting the Protestant Chaplaincy at Swarthmore College.

Joyce is married to Michael David, who serves on the medical faculty of University of Pennsylvania in the Department of Infectious Diseases. Together, with their daughter Sophia, they live in Swarthmore.

Rev. Sarah Cooper Searight

Associate Pastor for Outreach Ministry, Congregational Care, and Worship Coordination
610-543-4712 ext. 117

Sarah joined the clergy of SPC in March 2015.

Her primary responsibilities include coordinating and giving guidance to the missional ministries of the congregation, developing new partnerships in relationship to our community both local and global, providing spiritual support and accompaniment to members needing care, and coordinating planning for worship and development of new worship opportunities. Sarah serves as pastoral advisor to both the Board of Deacons and our Stephen Ministers. Sarah is also the clergy liaison to the many committees under the wide umbrella of the Outreach Committee, and to the Worship & Music Committee.

Sarah grew up in Dallas, Texas, completed her undergraduate work at Austin College in Psychology, and earned her Master of Divinity degree at Columbia Theological Seminary. After seminary, she served as Outreach Director and Summer Camp Director for Old First Reformed United Church of Christ in center city Philadelphia. Sarah served her first call as Associate Pastor for Christian Formation and Discipleship at First Presbyterian Church in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Sarah and her husband Bill Searight (also a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the PCUSA) are the grateful parents of two girls, Maggie (6) and Ella (3).

Rev. David Norse Thomas

Associate Pastor for Christian Formation
610-543-4712 ext. 119

David joined the clergy of SPC in April 2022.

Embracing families and community, nurturing children and young people, and loving our neighbors, are central to David Norse Thomas’s calling as a pastor. Much of David’s work focuses on children, youth and families. David is also eager to reach out to the broader Swarthmore community. He hopes to contribute to the longtime relationship between the church and Swarthmore College as a resource and mentor to students through the college ministry programs in the Protestant tradition. David wants to be “a good neighbor and also someone who can listen and empower people in a variety of different ways.” Another goal for David is getting to know interfaith partners in the area, via the Interfaith Council of Southern Delaware County.

David grew up on the west coast, earned a B.A. Religious Studies Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon and completed his M. Div. at Princeton Theological Seminary. He has served at Broad Street Ministry in Center City Philadelphia, working with people experiencing poverty and ministering to young adults, and most recently, as Pastor of a Presbyterian church in Towson MD. While at Broad Street, David also earned a Master’s degree in couples and family therapy from Thomas Jefferson University.

David is married to Eric Thomas. Having met and married at Broad Street Ministry in 2016, they formed deep roots in Philadelphia and are thrilled to be back in this area.

Our Staff

Julia Boerth

Parish Administrator
610-543-4712 ext. 112

As Parish Administrator, Julia is responsible for supporting the work of our Session and its committees, our caring ministries (including the Board of Deacons and the Marthas), and the congregational life of the church in the many intersections of our work together. To this, Julia brings a solid professional background, a strong call to ministry, and many years of engagement as an active church member.

Jean Noon

Finance Coordinator
610-543-4712 ext. 120

Jean joined our staff in January 2017, coming to us with an extensive background in finance. She ensures that our bills are paid on time, managing payroll both for church staff and the Nursery Day School, recording contributions to memorial funds, acknowledging gifts, and preparing quarterly contribution statements. Jean will always make time to listen to your questions and concerns and track down the answer you need.

Meghan Meloy Ness

Minister of Music
610-543-4712 ext. 114

As Minister of Music, Meghan plays an active role in the planning and support of all musical efforts. Her most visible roles are those of director of each of our choirs (Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, Children’s Choir, Youth Choir) and organist. Behind the scenes she works closely with our pastoral staff in planning weekly worship so that what we experience on Sunday morning is focused and cohesive. If you are interested in joining any of our choirs or have any questions related to our music programs, contact Meghan.

Doug Wadas

Director of Communications

Doug joined our staff in November 2017, bringing a strong background in interaction design and branding identity. He graduated from Temple University with a BFA in Graphic Arts and Interactive Design and has worked as an illustrator, art director, brand strategist, and web designer in studios throughout the Philadelphia area.

Doug is responsible for communicating SPC news and events through a variety of media channels. He creates logos, custom web pages, email blasts, videos, and social media campaigns to promote SPC events like Fall Fair, Alternative Christmas Shop (ACS), and the SPC fall stewardship campaign. Doug publishes the Sunday worship email, the SPC Weekly Notes, and a webpage highlighting all the latest news and events of the church. Doug lives in Swarthmore with his wife, Amy and five-year-old son, Thomas.

Patrice Smith

Bulletin Editor
610-543-4712 ext. 111

Patrice comes equipped with more than 40 years of experience as an editor. She is also a long-serving member with experience as an elder; a deacon; and on the worship, parish life, and membership committees. Patrice brings wisdom, skill, a passion for excellence, and a spirit of joy to this work.

John Hoing

Facilities Manager
610-543-4712 ext. 115

Among the longest serving members of or staff is Facilities Manager John Hoing. John is the quintessential “maintenance” man. If something is broken, he repairs it; if something needs to be built, he builds it. Managing the maintenance and improvements to our treasured buildings and green spaces – several that are over 100 years old – is a daunting task, and John’s resourcefulness, good relationships with contractors, and budget managements, are significant. During the week, he is the “glue” that keeps our busy calendar of meetings and events from unraveling. On Sundays, he is the one who makes sure all doors are open, lights on, classrooms set up, flip-charts and appropriate equipment in place, and spaces converted as schedule dictates. John also manages our part time custodians, Ben Mutz and John Steacker.

John Hubbell

Director of Business Administration
610-543-4712 ext. 121

John Hubbell joined our staff in 2021, equipped with the business experience and expertise of a recently retired director of a global consulting company. His responsibilities include the management of all day-to-day financial functions of the church and the Swarthmore Presbyterian Nursery Day School (SPNDS). John oversees budget preparation, monitoring and controls, forecasting, preparation of financial statements, payroll, investments and endowment accounting, insurance, an annual financial review, and all financial reports and documentation. He also manages IT strategy and development and provides leadership and support to all human resource functions – hiring, annual review process, and administration of benefits.

John is also an active church member who has served on Session and various committees, an outdoor enthusiast, an engaging thought partner, and creative troubleshooter. John and his wife, Lianna, delight in parenting two college-age daughters, Dana and Allison.

Deborah Hansen

Nursery Day School Director
610-543-4712 ext. 200

Deborah Hansen came to Swarthmore Presbyterian Nursery Day School (SPNDS) with more than 35 years working with children in educational settings. She holds a BA in History and an M.Ed. in Elementary Education. Deb retired from the School District of Philadelphia after 27 years working as an elementary teacher, science teacher and teacher leader. As Director of the Nursery Day School, her responsibilities include managing the preschool, supporting teachers, children, and families, and serving as the liaison with the church and the nursery day school’s Advisory Board

Deb enjoys spending time in nature and especially enjoys sharing the wonder of our world with children. She looks forward to learning joy with these little people every day and being a part of the SPNDS family.

Amy Connell

Children’s Ministry Associate
610-543-4712 ext. 118

Most church members know Amy as a Sunday school teacher, From Wonder to Wisdom leader, “Prayground” volunteer, and costume coordinator for our Nativity Pageant. From 2019-2020, she was our Interim Director of Christian Formation and Volunteer Ministries. Amy’s heart, mind, and soul are never far from children’s ministry.

In this volunteer capacity, Amy focuses on Sunday morning programming for children – primarily Sunday School and From Wonder to Wisdom — supporting teachers, maintaining classroom space and supplies, and communicating with young families. She is a regular presence on Sunday mornings, shepherding children, co-leading From Wonder to Wisdom, and making herself accessible to parents and teachers. Amy also attends weekly staff meetings, and supports our Christian Formation Committee. Amy welcomes conversations with families new and not so new.

Beth Lawn

Volunteer Congregational Care Associate or messages may be left in the office mailbox

Beth is known to many at SPC as the chaplain at White Horse Village, where she served for 18 years prior to retiring 2 years ago. She is a graduate of Earlham School of Religion and a board-certified chaplain. Beth trained at Jefferson Hospital and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where she worked as chaplain prior to coming to White Horse. She is a member of Chester Friends Meeting. Beth has been sojourning at SPC since she attended a discussion on Dorothy Day and was invited to the Women’s Retreat in November. She lives in Chester and feels fortunate to have her 2 sons, daughters-in-law, and 3 grandchildren nearby. Her special interests include spirituality at the end of life; contemplative prayer; complementary medicine; hiking wooded trails; bird watching; and contra dancing-which she is eager to resume once they stop requiring those darn masks!

Jim Maule

Sunday Sexton or messages may be left in the office mailbox

Jim is an active church member and serves as president of the Chancel Choir, in addition to being our Sunday sexton. Turning on the lights, setting out the flowers and bulletins, changing the banner and linens, setting up the hymn boards, and making sure the Bible is open to the first reading are just some of the many details Jim attends to so that the sanctuary is ready for worship each Sunday. He also serves as ex officio to the Worship & Music Committee, where his input both as sexton and as choir president and his compulsive attention to detail are invaluable.

Dorrie McGrath

Parish Administrator
610-543-4712 ext. 112

Dorrie has a solid working knowledge of many ministries, nurtured by more than 20 years serving in various roles as part of SPC’s staff. If you don’t quite know where to begin, ask Dorrie. She is readily available in the main office Monday through Friday and enjoys connecting with people new and not-so-new as they get involved in church programs, need to put an event on the church calendar, have questions about baptisms, seek the counsel of a pastor, or find themselves planning a wedding or preparing for a memorial service. Dorrie maintains the church calendar; coordinates space usage; provides administrative support to our boards, committees, and volunteer groups; and keeps our database current. She is also an active member who sings in the Chancel Choir and she serves as one of our Delco Family Promise/Interfaith Hospitality Network coordinators.