› Annual Meeting & All-Church Potluck Lunch

Annual Meeting
Sunday, February 10 / 11:15 am
in the Sanctuary

New Officers Elected, Budget Received


ll church members are invited to attend the annual meeting of the Congregation and Corporation, wherein we will receive the budget recently approved by Session and vote to elect 9 new Ruling Elders and 8 new Deacons to serve as church officers. Introductions to those who have accepted these nominations can be viewed here and are available outside the church office and at each nametag station.

There will also be a brief review of the annual reports submitted by our clergy, clerk of Session, and committee chairs, highlighting the happenings and decisions of the year just past and the plans and possibilities for serving as a body of Christ in the year ahead. Copies of the 2018 Annual Report are available outside the church office and for download here.

All-Church Potluck Lunch
Sunday, February 10 / 12:00 pm
in Fellowship Hall


ood food and good company: it’s a recipe that’s hard to beat! Bring a single dish and enjoy the smorgasbord that results as others do the same. Parish Life provides beverages, supervision, and the priceless hospitality of cleanup. Please bring one of the following, according to the first letter of your last name:




main dish




or salty snacks

Please bring your donation in a serving dish that is either clearly labeled or disposable. Contributions will be welcomed in the kitchen beginning at 9:00 am. Please include a label that lists ingredients if possible. Thank you.