› Advent Angels Here and Now Prepare the Way


his Sunday we will hear the words of Isaiah calling us to “prepare the way of the Lord,” followed by familiar passages about rough places made plain and crooked made straight. For centuries these words have been guideposts in a season devoted to preparing hearts and minds for the birth of Christ. We are grateful this week for the dedicated servants among us who

  • prepared a tall evergreen tree in the narthex,
  • learned the names and sizes of children needing pajamas and toys to prepare cards for the Giving Tree,
  • hung wreaths and placed candles and prepared communion,
  • hauled boxes and greens from afar to adorn our worship spaces and create wreaths for home use, cooked chili, set tables, offered food and drink to all who came to dinner,
  • helped children with Advent crafts, and stayed to clean up afterwards
  • prepared, printed, and pruned Alternative Christmas lists, cards, flyers and posters
  • signed up to go caroling or serve as acolytes or lend their voices as readers, and found time Sunday morning, as they do most Sundays, to teach, to serve, and to come into God’s presence with singing.

It has been a rich, full and generous launching of the Advent season, and your church leaders and staff are grateful to all the faithful servants among us who offer themselves so whole-heartedly to these efforts. Alleluia!