› Love Reaches Out in Many Ways, All Week Long

By Julia Boerth, Parish Administrator & SPC Member

Love Reaches Out in Many Ways, All Week Long

By Julia Boerth, Parish Administrator & SPC Member


have looked at stewardship campaign themes for many years and they are all meaningful and beautiful. But this year’s theme, “love reaches,” resonated with me in a whole new way after having joined the staff of our beloved church. I was immediately struck, the very first day I became Parish Administrator on July 15, 2024, at how far love reaches here.

It all started that first morning on the job when people from throughout Delaware County, many of whom are not affiliated with our church, showed up in support of First Place Swarthmore with donated items to furnish the apartment for the refugee family we support. This is the same time we were collecting school supplies for our partners in Chester, so the floor space to temporarily hold items in the office was at a premium! Oh, and the Chester Children’s Chorus (CCC) was using Fellowship Hall and the kitchen for a four-week camp, keeping the place abuzz with energy of active minds and voices. And in case that’s not enough, that Friday (when the CCC camp doesn’t meet), we had hosted an all-day American Red Cross blood drive in Fellowship Hall.

Day in and day out, Monday through Friday, the doorbell on the church office door rang with people showing up to donate items, money, their own blood, time… and love! The amount of activity going on in this church all week long, spreading God’s love far and wide, is truly humbling and inspiring.

Whether it’s summer-specific events, or the ongoing ministry of affiliated groups like the local Cub and Boy Scouts and AA, God’s love reaches out in real ways with this sharing of our space.

I couldn’t talk about our space without mentioning the nursery day school. During summer months, when preschool students are on break, our combined buildings and staff are abuzz with the activity of repairing, preparing, and sharing the work to ensure a vibrant early childhood program is alive and well and strong come fall.

And then, of course, there are our church volunteers coming Monday through Friday to polish the silver in the sanctuary, to ensure that the pew cards are tidy and complete, to transport food donations to Chester Eastside, and more. And that HOE group I’ve heard about for years… they are no joke! Showing up, no matter the heat or humidity, with a smile on their face, tending to our gardens and grounds, and paying special care to the memorial garden, a sacred place that albeit hidden away in the corner of our church property, is hallowed and sacred ground. As an English major, I was taught not to start sentences with “and”…but allow me the creative license to do so here because all of these “ands” reflect that love reaches here… and here… oh and here… and so on.

Even as an active member for 16 years serving as Elder, Deacon, Fall Fair co-chair and more, I had no idea how far the reach of the love that we experience during Sunday morning worship and at Tuesday night meetings extended all week long. I am so grateful to have had this time as your Parish Administrator and to witness the extraordinary reach of our congregation’s love, of God’s love. Peace be with you.

2025 Stewardship Campaign Update

From the SPC Business Office: We have now received 242 pledges totaling $730,796, which is 88% of the way towards next year’s pledge goal of $835,000. We also have 64% of the congregation who have already pledged committing more for 2025 than they did for 2024. Thank you to all who have submitted your pledge, we appreciate your support of SPC! Pledges enable us to plan our ministry in advance and ties to our annual budgeting process.

2025 Stewardship Campaign Update

From the SPC Business Office: We have now received 242 pledges totaling $730,796, which is 88% of the way towards next year’s pledge goal of $835,000. We also have 64% of the congregation who have already pledged committing more for 2025 than they did for 2024. Thank you to all who have submitted your pledge, we appreciate your support of SPC! Pledges enable us to plan our ministry in advance and ties to our annual budgeting process.

As you prayerfully consider making your financial pledge, we invite you to reflect on our 2025 “Moment for Stewardship” videos. They present the many reasons to support the ministry of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. To watch all of the videos in a playlist, click on the link above. Thank you for supporting SPC!

› Love Reaches: SPC 2025 Stewardship Campaign

› Love Reaches: SPC 2025 Stewardship Campaign


he Financial Stewardship Committee is excited to continue our 2025 Stewardship Campaign. With the theme of “Love Reaches,” we hope you feel inspired to engage and support the Spirit-led Ministry of SPC. Together we can be a faithful witness of God’s love to our community and beyond. In support of SPC’s ministry, please consider making a financial pledge to the 2025 Stewardship Campaign. We thank you for your dedication to SPC and generosity to this campaign!

As you prayerfully consider making your financial pledge, we invite you to reflect on our 2025 “Moment for Stewardship” videos. They present the many reasons to support the ministry of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. To watch all of the videos in a playlist, click on the link above. Thank you for supporting SPC!

Every pledge counts! Make yours today!

Every pledge counts! Make yours today!

For more information on how to pledge, please visit the Annual Giving & Pledging page or contact John Hubbell in the Business Office.

Considering Your Pledge

Considering Your Pledge

Why is it important to make SPC a top giving priority? The following FAQ (available by clicking the button below) is designed to provide insight into how SPC allocates our pledged dollars and how pledges help SPC to plan its ministry. We hope this information will help you in considering your annual pledge to the ministry of SPC.