Please Note: The SPC covered walkway renovations near the church office continue. During this time of construction, the church office door will be blocked off and the Fellowship Hall door will serve as a temporary main entrance. Please use caution and look for signage directing all church traffic to the Harvard Avenue side of the building. The SPC bus will be dropping off and picking up on Harvard Avenue. Sunday worshipers are asked to kindly not park along the street in the portions blocked off, to allow easier access for our bus and riders. We appreciate your patience as these much-needed improvements are made. Updates regarding this project will be communicated as they become available.
Since its founding in 1896, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church has been an enduring and dynamic presence in the Swarthmore community. We have been blessed with a legacy of stable pastoral leadership and a congregation that upholds both independent thinking and deep, abiding values. Here we equip ourselves to live faithfully and to share the gospel through service locally and globally. Our congregants are generous of heart and ready to serve.
Won’t you come and take a closer look?
Join us for worship this Sunday!
Join us for worship this Sunday!
Early Morning Worship
8:00 am (in Loeffler Chapel)
8:00 am (in Loeffler Chapel)
The Early Morning Worship Service at 8:00 am will take place in Loeffler Chapel. This 45-minute service allows worshipers to engage with Scripture through guided discussion in lieu of a sermon, and music is led by a pianist. The order of worship and liturgy very similar to those experienced in the Sanctuary at 10:15 AM.
Adult Education
9:00 am in the Study
9:00 am in the Study
Our adult education programs are driven by our quest to learn more about the bible and our faith tradition, as well as to explore issues at the intersection of our faith with society and culture. Some classes are taught by experts and others are designed for peer learning. All are welcome!
Youth Group (6th-12th Grade)
Check out our Schedule!
Check out our Schedule!
Our youth gather to be empowered to love others, God, and themselves. We practice Jesus’ radical hospitality as best we can, so when we say you can belong here, we actually mean it. Come with all your faith and doubts, questions and passions, exhaustion, and hope. Friends and newcomers are always invited and welcome.
Worship in the Sanctuary
10:15 am worship service
10:15 am worship service
Worship in the Sanctuary at 10:15 am embodies a classic worship tradition. The Word is proclaimed through liturgy, song and preaching. Music led and enhanced by robed choir and pipe organ. Communion for both services is served on the first Sunday of each month.
A Time with Children
10:15 am worship service
10:15 am worship service
Children are a vital part of our worship life, and always welcome. Families can find activity bags in our Sanctuary with worksheets on the lesson of the day (available in the large transept and at the rear of the Nave). In the 10:15 am service, there is a Moment for Children, when children are invited to engage with the Scripture of the day.
Godly Play
10:15 am worship service
After “A Time with Children”
10:15 am worship service
After “A Time with Children”
Following “A Time with Children,” children ages 3 through 3rd grade are invited to the Godly Play room (2nd floor of the education wing) for a time of worship, wondering questions, and play, led by storytellers trained in Godly Play (often Rev. David Norse Thomas).
Fellowship Hour
11:15 am
in Fellowship Hall
11:15 am
in Fellowship Hall
Our Parish Life team provides beverages and snacks and invites everyone to enjoy one another’s company in Fellowship Hall. Please make a point of saying hello to someone you do not yet know.
This Sunday, we continue to livestream our 10:15 am worship service! To Join us, click on the link below (when worship begins or earlier for the prelude). A full video recording will be available afterwards on Youtube.
This Sunday, we continue to livestream our 10:15 am worship service! To Join us, click on the link below (when worship begins or earlier for the prelude). A full video recording will be available afterwards on Youtube.
To access additional worship service videos click here.
To access additional worship service videos click here.