Click on the link above to watch a video slideshow featuring the Litany of Lighting from SPC’s Peace Light Service on Sunday, December 3, 2023 in the SPC Sanctuary. To view a full recording of the service, click here.

› Moment for Stewardship: Peace Light Service at SPC

› Moment for Stewardship: Peace Light Service at SPC


n ancient flame, a symbol of peace and hope, has arrived in Swarthmore. The journey began in Bethlehem, in a rock grotto believed to be the location of Jesus’ birth. For over a thousand years the faithful have tended olive oil lamps, praying for peace, wholeness, and giving thanks for God coming close in the midst of struggle. Each year, a child descends to these lamps in the basement of the Church of the Nativity and lights a lantern. The flame is known as the Peace Light and is flown in a special airplane safe lantern to Vienna Austria. The Peace Light is shared with delegations from across Europe and the Americas, along with a message of Peace.

Scouting organizations take the light to houses of worship, hospitals, food banks, nursing homes, and locations where peace is being prayed for and pursued. With the help of Austrian Airlines, a delegation transports the Peace Light to New York, JFK International Airport, and a network of volunteers spread it across North and South America.

Feeling a deep need for peace and friendship in these challenging times, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church (SPC), and the Scouts of Boy Scout Troop 112, hosted the Peace Light this year in Swarthmore. A brief prayer service for peace was held on Sunday, December 3 at Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. As the Scouts brought the flame, it was met by the pastors of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, along with Asheq Fazlullah, the Director of the Leadership Institute of Interfaith Philadelphia, who serves as the Muslim Student Affiliate Advisor with the Interfaith Center at Swarthmore College, and Rabbi Nathan Martin from Congregation Beth Israel. They led the community in readings, prayers, and music from all three traditions.

The Peace Light will be available at SPC through Epiphany, January 6, 2024. Lanterns will be burning on the front steps of SPC for all who wish to get light from it to spread it to their homes, neighbors, friends, and anywhere they wish to seek peace or recognize others working for peace. To learn more, or to ask questions about collecting the light, contact Rev. David Norse Thomas or the SPC church office (610-543-4712).

The interfaith relationships we cultivate, the long commitment to utilizing our space as a charter organization for Boy Scout Troop 112, the ability to mobilize resources to communicate with and gather the community for services such as these, all of this is made possible by your generosity in supporting the ministry of SPC.
The interfaith relationships we cultivate, the long commitment to utilizing our space as a charter organization for Boy Scout Troop 112, the ability to mobilize resources to communicate with and gather the community for services such as these, all of this is made possible by your generosity in supporting the ministry of SPC.

It is your giving to our annual stewardship campaign that sustains such important ministry and witness in the larger community. Thank you!

2024 Stewardship Campaign Update

From the SPC Business Office: As of December 1, we have received 225 pledges totaling $667,465, which is 78% of the way towards this year’s pledge goal of $860,000. We also have 71% of the congregation who’s already pledged committing more for 2024 than they did for 2023. There is still time to make a pledge and help us close the gap! Your pledge enables this body of Christ to make bold plans for what we can discern and do together in 2024. Thank you to all who have submitted your pledge. We appreciate your support of SPC!

2024 Stewardship Campaign Update

From the SPC Business Office: As of December 1, we have received 225 pledges totaling $667,465, which is 78% of the way towards this year’s pledge goal of $860,000. We also have 71% of the congregation who’s already pledged committing more for 2024 than they did for 2023. There is still time to make a pledge and help us close the gap! Your pledge enables this body of Christ to make bold plans for what we can discern and do together in 2024. Thank you to all who have submitted your pledge.We appreciate your support of SPC!

As you prayerfully consider making your pledge, we invite you to reflect on our 2024 “Moment for Stewardship” videos. They present the many reasons to support the ministry of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. To watch all of the videos in a playlist, click on the link above. Thank you for supporting SPC!

› Calling All Hearts & Hands: SPC 2024 Stewardship Campaign

› Calling All Hearts & Hands: SPC 2024 Stewardship Campaign


he Financial Stewardship Committee is excited to continue our 2024 Stewardship Campaign. With the theme of “Calling All Hearts & Hands,” we hope you feel inspired to engage and support the Spirit-led Ministry of SPC. Together we can be a faithful witness of God’s love to our community and beyond. In support of SPC’s ministry, please consider making a pledge to the 2024 Stewardship Campaign. We thank you for your dedication to SPC and generosity to this campaign!

As you prayerfully consider making your pledge, we invite you to reflect on our 2024 “Moment for Stewardship” videos. They present the many reasons to support the ministry of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. To watch all of the videos in a playlist, click on the link above. Thank you for supporting SPC!

Help us close the gap! Make your pledge today!

Help us close the gap! Make your pledge today!
For more information on how to pledge, please visit the Annual Giving & Pledging page or contact John Hubbell in the Business Office.

Considering Your Pledge

Considering Your Pledge

Why is it important to make SPC a top giving priority? The following FAQ (available by clicking the button below) is designed to provide insight into how SPC allocates our pledged dollars and how pledges help SPC to plan its ministry. We hope this information will help you in considering your annual pledge to the ministry of SPC.

Deciding How Much to Pledge

Deciding How Much to Pledge

SPC’s Operating Budget funds the majority of SPC’s programs. The single largest source of revenue comes from pledges made by congregants of SPC, comprising 72% of the budget. As you consider what amount to pledge to the 2024 Stewardship Campaign, click the button below to read a letter from SPC’s Treasurer and Director of Business Administration.